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Second Floor


Back Door

Trinity Galeran

  • 'ey kid, what's yer name?
    *looks up from the papers she is shuffling through and smiles sweetly then makes a face, squirms, and sighs impatiently* Constance Meiriona Galeran *narrows eyes at you* Dun even t'ink 'bout callin' me dat, evah! *clears throat* *the black and white cat that paces back and forth on the bed cringes at the girl's tone*

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?
    *she straightens up and beams* Name's Trinity *she then points to the cat who has regained its normal demeanor of friendly yet defensive* this is Siani ((pronounced See-on-ee))... and you are? *spits in her hand and offers it to you*

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    Trinity means t'ree and once I soaked t'ree guys all at once 'cause dey called me Constance *clenches fists*

  • When's yer birthday? Know how old ya are?
    August t'hoidieth an' I'se 17 Why? Ya lookin' foah a reason foah a drinkin' pahty? *grins at you with her perfect smile*

  • Whatcha look like?
    *looks at you confusedly, gets up, and waves hand in front of your face* Seems like yer blind an' dunno da people in dis lodgin' house! *softly chuckles and turns around for you to inspect her* *pushes the rest of her long, wavy dark brown hair behind her shoulder as her bright blue eyes shimmer* *brushes the dust off her black pants, stomps brown boots, stretches her torso clad in a light blue undershirt with a white open button down shirt over it, and snaps her back suspenders in place* I'se 'bout average height foah a goil an' I'se got a light musculah body. I'm also Welsh so I don't get too tan. *she sits back down*

  • And wadda ya like, huh? Got mucha a personality?
    *blinks at you stalling for a second then hesistantly begins* W-Well... I don't know... *a boy answers from the doorway of the bunkroom and he laughs evilly* She loves ta dance, smile a lot...if she's not pissed. Only da ones who get ta know 'er wit' out her soakin' 'em foist will know her otha side which is a hopeless romantic. She ain't out ta make enemies but she will if ya mess wit' 'er. She's really stubborn an' if ya cross 'er, she holds a grudge for what seems like forever! *he grins satisfied with the answer*

  • So... let's 'ear a liddle 'bout yer past. Where'd youse come from?
    *bites lip cautiously* Nah... not me... ya dun wanna know 'bout me. *you sigh impatiently* Ok! Ok! Well, me muddah lives down da street an' she t'rew me out 'cause I couldn't help 'er. She's real sick an' it stahted right aftah me faddah died in da fact'ry. My sistah, Maelona, ran away from home 'fore he died 'cause he was a wicked man. *nods absently*

  • Don't s'ppose ya got any friends, do ya?
    *folds her legs up to her chest and hugs them* Maelona, my sistah, used ta be my best and only friend until she ran away... but Huntah an' Chase are two o' my closest friends now. As well as Catsy, Rhaps, an' Poison. 'fore dis I didn't 'ave time fer friends 'cause I was woikin' at da fact'ry 'til dey fired me fer fightin' wit' da udda kids. *grins*

  • What about a "significant otha", hmm? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    *blushes and for the first time during this interview smiles shyly* *shifts her position again and looks around the room suddenly intrigued by the decor* Cian... *shakes her head* I mean Huntah an' I are kinda involved. He's so adorable when he's bein' protective o' me. *turns the gleaming silver ring on her finger*

  • Waddya do 'round heah?
    I was told by Catsy dat I could be a co-leadah at dis great lodgin' house we got heah.

  • If ya emptied ya pockets right now, what'd be in 'em?
    *raises an eyebrow at you* I seriously don't remember. *she begins pulling out everything in her pockets* Siani, switch blade, pocket watch, string, two marbles... *her pockets turn inside out showing they're now empty* That's it!

  • Anythin' else?
    I don't think so... should there be?

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