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Second Floor


Back Door

WiseGuy Goldstein

  • 'ey kid, what's yer name?
    Jake Goldstein

  • 'ave you been blessed wit a newsie nickname yet?

  • Where'd dat come from, anyway?
    I like to goof off and whatnot.

  • When's yer birthday?
    October 11- I'm 14

  • Whatcha look like?
    5'7 1/2'', dark brown curly hair, dark brown eyes

  • And what about yer poysonality?
    I'M CRAZY!!!!! I love to laugh (ha ha ha ha)(that wasn't that funny). I like to tease Pepper Mahoney.

  • So... let's 'ear a liddle 'bout yer past. Where'd youse come from?
    Parents both died of diptheria when I was 10, and I've been a newsie since I was 9. That's- what, five years now?

  • Got friends?
    NO! (hic, sob) EVERYBODY HATES ME! Just kidding, I know Pepper Mahoney and Bookworm and I know Art from around.

  • What about a "significant otha", hmm? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
    Not at the moment- I kinda like Pepper, though.

  • And what about yer status as a newsie?
    Oh, people love to buy from me. I have such a magnetic personality (big wide grin). Actually, I ain't doin' so great right now.

  • Anythin' else?
    Uhh... let me see now... wait a minute...hold on...I'll be with ya's on the tip of my tongue...I was just about ta say it...I had it, I know I did...just a sec, just a sec...Uhh... let me see now... wait a minute...hold on...I'll be with ya's on the tip of my tongue...I was just about ta say it...I had it, I know I did...just a sec, just a sec...Uhh... let me see now... wait a minute...hold on...I'll be with ya's on the tip of my tongue...I was just about ta say it...I had it, I know I did...just a sec, just a sec...Uhh... let me see now... wait a minute...hold on...I'll be with ya's on the tip of my tongue...I was just about ta say it...I had it, I know I did...just a sec, just a sec...Uhh... let me see now... wait a minute...hold on...I'll be with ya's on the tip of my tongue...I was just about ta say it...I had it, I know I did...just a sec, just a sec...Uhh... let me see now... wait a minute.! ! ..hold on...I'll be with ya's on the tip of my tongue...I was just about ta say it...I had it, I know I did...just a sec, just a sec...Uhh... let me see now... wait a minute...hold on...I'll be with ya's on the tip of my tongue...I was just about ta say it...I had it, I know I did...just a sec, just a sec...WAIT! I KNOW! I"VE GOT IT! AND THE ANSWER IS... No. I"VE GOT IT! AND THE ANSWER IS... No.

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