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Veritect Name: VF-1S (1/48 Scale, Yamato)

Pilot: Roy Focker (or Fokker)

VF-1S First Appearance: Episode #1: Booby Trap, Season 1, Macross/ Robotech Saga


A quick comment:   Back to Misc: Review M-I     VF-1S cousin: Jetfire     Teletran-1

This is my first 1/48 VF-1S and thanks to its high detailing and articulations are the main reasons why I obtained this toy.   My inspiration of the toy VF-1S goes back to the Transformers toy name Jetfire who started it all.  The 1/48 VF-1S actually cost $CXXXIX.XCIX at BigBadToyStore (BBTS), but thanks to the lucky draw that I won from a Transformers board called AmericanDreamComics/ TNI ran by JayC just for posting there, I was able to win a December 2002 $C certificate give away  to buy anything from BBTS.  So as it turned out, I paid only $XLIV.XCIX thanks to that $C certificate.   I got the 1/48 VF-1S toy on Mar. Xi, Mmiii. 



The VF-1S was originally flown by Commander Roy Focker (Fokker) but as the series goes along...he eventually lost his life in battle.  Rick Hunter took his place and became the first pilot to fly the Super Valkyrie VF-1S.  


VF-1S Stats:

Battroid mode/ Robot mode:
Height: 12.68 meters, Width: 7.3 meters, Wingspan (fully extended): 14.78 meters, Max. walking speed: 160 km/h, Operational underwater depth: 100 meters.

Gerwalk mode/ In between mode:
Height: 8.7 meters, Width: 11.3 meters, Wingspan (fully extended): 14.78 meters, Max. walking speed: 100 km/h, Max. atmospheric Flying Speed: 500 km/h

Fighter mode/ Jetmode:
Height: 3.84 meters, Lenght: 14.23 meters, Wingspan (fully extended): 14.78 meters, Max.level atmospheric speed at 1000m: Mech 2.71

NOTE: The above VF-1S stats was taken from Mecha Anime H.Q. website.  


These images were all photographed and scanned by me.  If you're a Robotect/ Macross fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences.  

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 1/48 VF-1S in its Original condition:

48vf1sorig.jpg (67539 bytes)1 - Here's Yamato 1/48 VF-1S in it's original box.

2 - Back of the Box showing the VF-1S in robot mode.

3 - The box is package like a book style format, here's the cover opened up revealing the VF-1S.

4 - Here's how the content looks once the box was removed.

5 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" F-14 Tomcat jet, "1" non-articulated Roy Focker (aka Fokker) pilot figure, "1" GU-11 gunpod, "1" gun strap, "4" UMM-7 micro-missile pods, "4" AMM-1 triple missile clusters, "1" instruction booklet, "1" stickers sheet, "1" credit card catalog of the valkyrie, "1" miscellaneous paper.


R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: 

The 1/48 VF-1S does not come with any Pre-apply decals adhered to the toy itself, only Pre-apply paints.  However, it does come with a decals sheet for you to do it yourself.  

Stickers Sheet:

148VF1Sdecal.jpg (101238 bytes)There are 69 registered numbering of stickers on the sticker sheet.  But in reality it's actually 235 stickers since some of the decals/ stickers are grouped or paired together and labeled it as one.  Unfortunately, you won't be able to see the decals from this image  or the real decal itself as clearly since the decals colors are predominately white and were put onto a white background.  I must say, applying the decals took me many hours, totally unbelievable.  It's definitely a hassle because there are too many of them especially when the decals are transparent and tiny.

Decals/ Stickers Instruction Sheet:

148VF1SInstdecal.jpg (199143 bytes)Usually I don't bother putting the Decals/ Stickers Instruction Sheet image for the review, but I'll make an exception to the 1/48 VF-1S since it's a little bit complicated and people may need it later on.  Some of  the decals may need to trim down the excess space to fit the desire selection especially on #66 and #55.


R-3 1/48 VF-1S in Jet/ Fighter Mode:

48vf1sveh1.jpg (41865 bytes) Of all the Valkyries that had ever produced up to now, the 1/48 Valkyrie line is the most show accurate and the most beautiful toy that have been put on the market!!!  The aesthetic, the design, the concept, and even the quality are all translated into this toy.  This is the first Yamato toy that doesn't require to disassemble its body part when transforming from one mode to the next.  Moreover, it feature a removable Air In Take Cover between Jet mode and Robot mode.  What's the big deal?  It's more realistic because now you can see the Turbo Prop Fan in Jet mode while hidden in Robot mode.

NOTE: The Fast Pack (Battled Armor) for Yamato 1/48 Valkyrie is sold separately and packed w/ both Super and Strike pack.


48vf1sveh5.jpg (41640 bytes)The VF-1S is actually a F-14 Tomcat fighter jet.  As a result its main wing can be swung out as well as retracted inward, top left image.  In addition the two tail fins can also be fold down or up, left bottom image.  The middle image shows the opening Cockpit and exposes a removable non-articulated pilot, Roy Focker (Fokker).  The last two images emphasize the underside view with the landing gears and doors which can either be hidden or exposed.


R-4 1/48 VF-1S Deploying 4 AMM-1 Triple Missile Clusters:

48vf1sveh2.jpg (43596 bytes)The Yamato 1/48 comes with two type of missiles.  This section will cover the first kind, AMM-1 Triple Missile Clusters.  The white Triple Missile Cluster can either be in separate or combine mode as in cluster (3 little missile connected onto a flat panel).  Once its in cluster, it is ready to be attached onto the main wing of the VF-1S.  The connection between the wing and the missile cluster is very rigid and poor so don't over use them too much.


R-5 1/48 VF-1S Deploying 4 UMM-7 Micro-Missile Pods:

48vf1sacc.jpg (17932 bytes)48vf1sveh3.jpg (48268 bytes)UMM-7 Micro-Missile Pods is the second type of missile that comes with the Yamato 1/48.  It is basically a 14/16 X 14/16 X 2 3/4  rectangle cube box that can be opened up and used as storage space.  All the Triple Missile Cluster from R-4 can fit inside this little box perfectly, see right image.  Again, just like R-4 warning, don't over connect the Micro Missile Pods onto the main wing.  It's very rigid and fragile.  I have more trouble plugging this Micro Missile Pods than the Missile Clusters.


R-6 1/48 VF-1S Deploying GU-11 Gun Pod:

48vf1sveh4.jpg (41342 bytes)For those that wonder whether the GU-11 Gun Pod can be carried in jet mode just like the cartoon, well the answer is yes.  Basically, the handle of the gun is plug between the forearm which are then held by the peg of each forearm, see right image.  For close up shot image of this description see R-9.  If the GU-11 tend to fall from its connection, be sure to take the Gun Strap out before attaching the GU-11 Gun Pod onto the jet that should take out some dead weight.  Also, sometimes the tip of the Gun Pod tends to hit the ground.  If this happen, there are three solutions.    First, make sure the gun trigger is in collapse mode or pull inside the gun pod.  Second, make sure the GU-11 Gun Pod length is in the short mode don't expand out.   Third, make sure the arm and leg are tightly secure with one another by checking on the peg connection between these members.


R-7 1/48 VF-1S in Gerwalk/ Guardian Mode:

48vf1sgerw.jpg (41898 bytes)The half plane and half robot mode is called the Gerwalk mode or Guardian mode if you preferred it from the Robotech cartoon.  The term Gerwalk is stood for "Ground Effective Reinforcement of Winged Armament with Locomotive Knee-joint."  What is the point of this mode?  Time and Efficient!  It allowed the pilot to switch from this mode to jet or robot mode much quicker as oppose to the convention way, jet to robot transformation.  Secondly, in jet mode speed is gained but in robot mode speed is lost.  Gerwalk mode tries to optimize this difference by utilizing both feature.  The new cool feature item in this mode is the adjustable antenna that located on the back pack.  This is the first valkyrie to have an adjustable antenna that can either be hidden or exposed on Gerwalk/ Guardian mode.


R-8 1/48 VF-1S in Robot Mode:

48vf1srob1.jpg (54527 bytes)In robot mode, the 1/48 VF-1S is well balance, proportion, and this toy is definitely rock.  Thanks to its many articulation points, this toy is extremely pose able for a transformable figure.  One of the features that I thought it was cool was the addition of the green transparent eye visor plastic as oppose to paint (Bandai 1/55 Valkyrie) or sticker (Jetfire) because now the face looked more three-dimensional and not flat.  Last but not least, anything that looks like its cartoon counterpart is always a double treat and this Yamato 1/48 definitely delivered us this feature.


R-9 GU-11 Gun Pod Usage:

48vf1srob2.jpg (51835 bytes)Besides the standard hand held, the GU-11 Gun Pod can either be strapped on the shoulder (first image) or be clipped onto the forearm (second image).  Having the additional gun strap definitely make every Macroo/ Robotech fans happy since this is the first time that this toy ever come with one.  For a note to all 1/55 Bandai fans, the Yamato 1/48 Gun Pod does not require additional Gun Clip just to attach the gun onto its forearm.  Instead, the Gun Pod of the Yamato 1/48 has a hole on the gun handle and can be plugged directly onto the little peg of the VF-1S.  The Gun Pod can be clipped onto either arm.


R-10 Articulation Showing Off:

48vf1srob3.jpg (55642 bytes)Besides the highly detail, what separate the Yamato 1/48 VF-1S than the rest of the other VF-1S line is articulation.  Yes, this toy has it all, from movable neck, to finger, to pelvis, to feet.  For more detail on articulation see R-13 on Articulation.  The left image shows some of the moves in which this Yamato 1/48 can do.  Although the Yamato 1/48 offers many articulations, there is one minor drawback.  In order to do a leg kick or sit down position, you would have to spread the main wing out first because of the conflict between the pelvis and the wing, see third image.  Other than that, this Yamato 1/48 line is perfect on articulation.


R-11 What's So Special About The Yamato 1/48?:

148VF1Svehdet1.gif (247349 bytes)So why is the 1/48 VF-1S such a big deal?  Well here are the reasons:

1 - Removal nosecone revealing a Radar that can be move up or down.

2 - Removal Air Intake cover revealing a Turbo-Prop Fan.

3 - Removal pilot figure.

4 - Moveable Air Foil on the main wing.

5 - Moveable Nozzle or Foot Thruster that can be moved up, down, left, and right.

6 - Moveable Air Brake cover.

7 - Moveable Cockpit Canopy.

8 - Built with a Non-Removable Heat Shield Canopy.

9 - Built with a moveable Antenna that can be hidden or exposed in Gerwalk/ Guardian mode.

10 - Built with a moveable Hinged Knee Cap.

11 - Built with a Tow Hook at the front landing gear for a truck to pull the Jet.

12 - Built with a Forearm Pocket that allowed the hand to be concealed in Jet mode.

13 - Gun pod length can be contracted or expanded.

14 - Gun pod built with a detachable Gun Strap.

15 - Gun pod built with a translucent Red Plastic Targeting Sensor.

16 - Gun pod Trigger can be hidden or exposed by sliding in or out of the Gunpod barrel.

17 - The first Yamato Valkyrie ever not to be detached its parts or required additional hip bar when transforming from one mode to the next.


R-12 Yamato 1/48 VS. Bandai 1/55 Scale Comparison:

48vf1scomp.jpg (64990 bytes)Here is the scale comparison between the Yamato 1/48 and the Bandai 1/55 VF-1S.  The first panel shows both VF-1S standing side by side just to give you their overall size.  The middle image purpose is to give you a better idea of how much the Yamato 1/48 is taller than the Bandai 1/55 when aligned one in front of another format.  The last panel: Top image, Bandai 1/55 Super Valkyrie w/ Yamato 1/48 side by side.  Middle image, Jet mode scale comparison.  Bottom image, interior detail of the Yamato 1/48 cockpit.


- In Jet mode, when measure from nosecone to the end of the rocket thruster, Length:

Yamato 1/48: 12 3/16", Bandai 1/55: 10 7/16"

- In Jet mode, when measure from wing to wing, Width:

Yamato 1/48: 12 3/16", Bandai 1/55: 10 5/16"  (Surprisingly, both VF-1S length and width dimension are pretty much equal).

- In Robot mode, when measure from feet to the top of the head:

Yamato 1/48: 10 1/4", Bandai 1/55: 9 1/8" 


R-13 Rémy's Yamato 1/48 VF-1S toy review:

Manufacturer - Yamato

Line, Series/ Wave: Do You Remember Love Line, Series 1.

Year Issue: [2003,  late February] 

Made: [China] 

Scale: [1/48]

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - Approximately 14 11/16 X 14 5/16 X 5 10/16 - Box.

Packaging Method: Mint In Seal Box.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Taped down and sandwiched between two clear plastic trays are: "1" F-14 Tomcat jet, "1" non-articulated Roy Focker (aka Fokker) pilot figure, "1" GU-11 gunpod, "1" gun strap (?), "4" UMM-7 micro-missile pods, "4" AMM-1 triple missile clusters.

NOTE: I don't recall whether the Gun Strap was packaged on the plastic tray or with the Instruction sheet package.

On the back of the card board and not inside the clear plastic tray, a taped down bag which contained: "1" instruction booklet, "1" stickers sheet, "1" credit card catalog of the valkyrie, "1" miscellaneous paper.

Box Special Note: Front Box Appearance: No box art, just text.  Back Box Appearance:  The actual toy of the 1/48 VF-1S in robot mode.

Approximately Toy Dimension In Inches: - Height Up To The Head 10 1/4  Maximum Height: 11 3/16 (top of the twin laser)  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 5 1/4  Maximum Width: 5 1/4  Dept: 3 1/4.

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print: - ©1984 BIG WEST, MADE IN CHINA, 

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be found underside of the VF-1S wing (left wing has the Big West copyright and right wing has the Made in China copyright.

Transformation Of Difficulty: [Hard] - The 1/48 VF-1S is pretty hard to transform, so take your time.  Restless act can cause the joints to break off or the connection between member to slide off.

Material Durability: [+C] - The VF-1S material durability is just above average.  Moreover it's very fragile especially the main wings, tail fins, and landing gears so do NOT drop it.  

Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal:  Pelvis truss, front door landing gear, and the landing gears themselves.  Chrome Metal: None.  Rubber: Landing gear wheel.  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: Cockpit canopy, a little bit on the main wing, and the rear landing gear door.

Stability: [-A] - Robot mode can stand on any flat surface.  You may have a hard time if you don't align his ankle articulation correctly.

Fun Toy: [+A] - The 1/48 VF-1S has too many gimmicks that make the playing value very intriguing.

Negative Drawback - Technically the 1/48 VF-1S doesn't have any real negative drawback only a couple of minor flaws.  

1, The canopy cockpit doesn't stay up when you open it.  

2, The painting on the die cast metal landing gear is terrible especially the two rear landing can even see the metal behind it.

3, The pre-applied paint isn't as great as the 2002 Reissue 1/55 Bandai doesn't have that glossy touch or look.  In addition, the paint is easily scratch off....not durable like the 1/55 Bandai.

4, The Skull insignia located on the left tail fin was slightly printed crook it, about 3 to 5 degree slanted.

Articulations: Head: Can be rotated at a 360 degree.  Also can be tilted downward about 10 degree.  Shoulder: Can be swung at a 360 degree and a 90 degree sideway. Arm/ Elbow: Can be bent at a 90 degree angle.  The lower portion of the arm can also be rotated at a 360 degree sideway. Wrist/ Hand: Can be rotated at a 360 degree.  Moreover, fingers can be moved as well.  Hand can be hidden by opened the forearm panel and flipped hand inside.  Hip/ Waist: Cannot be rotated.  Leg: Can be swung 90 degree forward or backward ONLY when the wings are spread out.  In addition, it can do a split at about 10 degree. Knee: Can be bent at a 90 degree angle as well as a 360 degree sideway.  Ankle/ Feet: No sideway movement, however feet can be moved up or down.

Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [+A] - I have never seen any Valkyrie that is so accurate to its cartoon counterpart than the 1/48 Valkyries.   

Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [+A] - Same as previous statement.

Special Notes: 1, In robot mode, the back slab and the upper rear nosecone connection, the pelvis truss and the lower rear nosecone connection both required special handling when connecting or disconnecting from each member.  These two areas are probably the most crucial points because they both are responsible for holding the robot mode together.  

2, Be very precautious when opening the landing gears doors especially the front landing door because the clips are rigid and very fragile.

3, Don't overuse the two Air Intake black slabs, either leave them on or take them off because there is only a tiny bump that prevented the black slab from falling off the jet.

4, Don't overuse the connection between the wing and the missiles/ missile pods.

5, Be gentle when sliding the black heat shield canopy over the regular cockpit canopy because restless act can cause the heat shield canopy to fall off.  Fortunately, it's can be reattached back.

6, Due to the additional feet articulation, the stability of the Gerwalk or Robot mode depended on how well you transform the feet so make sure you do it right.

7, Don't over-transform the 1/48 VF-1S due to the rigid connection which may cause the toy to break easily.  This toy is pretty much designed for display despites the high pose able and cartoon accuracy.

8, Although the Air Foil Panel located on the main wing is easily reattach able, over play or to many break offs can damage the connection peg. 

9, Last but not least, when transforming the 1/48 VF-1S, you must be very gentle and don't rush.  This toy is extremely delicate and required special care when transforming from one mode to the next.  

Overall Grade: [+A] - If you are looking for a super articulation, high level of detailing, and show accuracy, then look no further than the Yamato 1/48 VF-1S (or the 1/48 Valkyries line).  This toy is superbly well built and it's utterly an exquisite piece of toy.  Definitely a masterpiece so I highly recommended any "adult" to purchase it.  Notice, I said adult......this toy is too beautiful, too delicate, and too fragile for kid to mess around.


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