U.S. Name: TURBO RM Name: SUPER CAR ROBO Cartoon First Appearance: Episode #1: Battle for Gobotron, Season 1, 1984 Comic First Appearance: N/A Toy Catalog Number: MR-07 Gobots Number: 07
A quick comment: Back to Guardians Review Page Gobots Homepage This is my first Turbo action figure. As a kid I had always wanted to own him but just didn't have the finance to purchase it. Now I'm glad to have him as part of my collection. I got him on Apr. Viii, Mmiv for $XXX from Ebay
R-0 Turbo's motto and tech specifications: | Affiliate: guardians | Subgroup: none | Function: -- | Alt. Mode: futuristic sport car | | STR -- | INTL -- | SPD -- | ENDN -- | RNK -- | CRG -- | FRPW -- | SKL -- |
Not Applicable.
Turbo's Bios: Not Applicable. Unfortunately the Gobots action figure doesn't come with any motto or tech & spec like the Transformers action figure. |
These images were all photographed and scanned by me. If you're a Gobot fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences. NOTE: Images are clearer when viewed with Internet Explorer browser. - Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale - [Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight] R-1 Turbo in its Original condition:
2 - This is the back of the card. 3 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" futuristic sport car. |
R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: Turbo doesn't come with any pre-apply decal. Sticker Sheet: Unlike the Transformers, none of the Gobots action figure come with sticker sheet. |
R-3 Turbo in Vehicle Mode:
R-4 Turbo in Robot Mode:
R-5 Turbo's Card Art:
R-6 Rémy's Turbo action figure review: Manufacturer - Tonka. Line, Series/ Wave: Challenge of the Gobot Line, Series: Unknown. Year Issue: [1983] Made: [Japan] Scale: [N/A] Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD] - Approximately 9 X 6 X 1 - Card. Packaging Method: Mint On Sealed Card. Contents were packed with the following procedure: Inside the sealed card: "1" futuristic sport car. Card Special Note: Front Card Appearance: Turbo card art with only robot mode. Back Card Appearance: Instruction on how to transform Turbo as well as ads for the following Gobots toys: Cy-Kill, Tank, Buggy Man, Cop-Tor, Filtor, and Loco. Approximately Dimension In Inches: Height Up To The Head: 3 6/16 Maximum Height: 3 1/4 Width from shoulder to shoulder: 1 1/2 Maximum Width: 1 15/16 Dept: 1 Figure's Stamp/ Fine Print: (Japanese text), MR-07, BANDAI, 1982G, JAPAN. Figure's Stamp/ Fine Print Location: Can be found in the inner side of the leg. Right leg has Bandai, 1983G, and Japan text while the left leg has the Japanese text and the MR-07 text.. Transformation Of Difficulty: [Easy] Material Durability: [-A] - Pretty durable. Materials: Die Cast Metal: Front and back of his chest. Chrome Part: Thigh. Rubber: Wheels. Plastic: Main material. Clear Plastic Window: Window shield. Stability: [A] - Pretty stable. Be sure that both of his leg are pull out evenly. Fun Toy: [B] - It's above average. Could be a little bit more fun if this toy come with weapon. But then again, Gobots action figure hardly come with any weapon. Negative Drawback - None. Articulations: Head: Can only be tilted up or down. Shoulder: Can be swung at a 360 degree. Arm/ Elbow: Cannot be bent. Wrist/ Hand: Cannot be bent. Hip/ Waist: Cannot be rotated. Leg: Cannot be bent. Knee: Cannot be bent. Ankle/ Feet: Cannot be bent and no sideway movement. Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [-A] - Other than the head, Turbo looks very much like the cartoon Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [+A] - Look even more like the cartoon then the vehicle mode. Special Notes: Here is "1" special note that I think you should know: 1 - Technically, Turbo doesn't have the compression leg syndrome. But if the tab on the back of his leg which slide into a groove is broken, then Turbo leg will shrink down and bury into his feet which will make him look shorter. If you want to avoid the problem, then don't transform him too much. Overall Grade: [+A] - Like so many of the other Gobots action figures, Turbo also falls into this category whose action figures look even hotter than its cartoon counterpart. It's a shame that the Gobots action figures are so under rated when compared to the Transformers when in reality these Gobots look a lot better.
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