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Countach History

1974 Countach LP400
It had a price tag of $52,000. Its V12 engine gave the '74 Countach a top speed of 196mph. It has an acceleration from 0-60 of 5.6 seconds and 0-100 in 13.3 seconds.
1979 Countach LP400 S
The 1979 Countach sold for $85,000. Its top speed of 180mph and acceleration from 0-60 of 5.9 seconds are due to the V12 engine.
1982 Countach LP500 S
The '82 Countach sold for$102,000. It has a top speed of 186 mph, and accelerates in 5.6 seconds from 0-60.
1985 Countach LP500 QV
It can reach 182mph. It can go from 0-60 in 4.9 seconds, and 0-100 in 11.9 seconds. It held a price tag of $100,000 in 1985.
1989 Countach 25th Anniversary
The 25th Anniversary model sold for $145,000. It has a top speed of 183mph.

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