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Progress Log

9/16 Today I continued working on my logo for the website. I am planning on adding an animation on to the logo, so I am working on that as well. 9/17 Today I completed the animation, but it was a piece of junk so I am not going to use it. So basically today was a waste of time. I am now angry and annoyed. That is all for today. 9/18 Today was rather productive, I think. I sent e-mails to various sites to get permision to use their photos on my site. I also began the overall structure of my site. 9/19 I am working on the camaro page but I am having trouble finding things like top speed and accelration information, so I am once again annoyed. 9/20 I finally found a page that has the information i need, it only took 2 days. 9/23 I worked on editing my camaro picture and inserting it into the page. 9/24 I edited my corvette picture and put in the info on that page. I also created a camaro history page where i will have some old pics and some info. 9/25 I began work on the corvette history page. I finished up the camaro section for the time being. 9/26 I almost finished working on the history page. I added about 6 vehicles today with all the information such as top speed, acceleration, and some prices. 9/27 I finished the corvette history section and started workind on my ford section. SPecifically I am editing a 2003 mustang picture for the mustang page. 9/30 I worked on editing my mustang picture. I got it inserted into the page and started adding information. 10/1 I finished the mustang page and began workind on the history page. I also fixed some spelling errors, and arranged my H drive so it is easier to find the pictures I want. 10/2 I am working on the mustang history page. I also added a link on the ford page to ford's home page. 10/3 I finished the mustang section and added some intro information to the chevrolet page. I decided to leave the ford thunderbird out of my website. 10/4 I am working on editing my dodge viper picture. I havent started putting the actual page together yet but it will be in the works soon. 10/7 I finished my viper editing and saved a bunch of pics for the history section. Then I edited the main company pages. I did a good job too. 10/8 I finished the viper pages. I had some problems with one picture, but that was because I had a typo in the word images. 10/9 I am working on the BMW section. I started to edit the BMW Z3 picture and have decided to format the section a little differently. 10/10 Figured out the price of a BMW Z4 its 43,920 dollars. I finished the z3 page. 10/15 Finished editing the BMW Z4 picture. Then I created the page. Now I am linking it together and saving pictures of other BMW models. 10/16 I finished the Bmw section entirely. Now I intend to move on and start the Porsche section. 10/17 Had a lot of extra time today. I finished the entire porsche section, including editing the pictures for the 911 and Boxster. I have to do a history section and tehn it will be done. 10/18 Finished the porsche other models page. All the links are set and I fixed a sentence structure error that was on my opening page. 10/21 I am working on the aston martin section. I set up the company page and linked it into the site. I also edited the picture for one of the sections. 10/22 I finished the aston martin section. I may add some more models to it, but other than that it's almost done. 10/23 I went through and made a list of possible cars that i want to add to my site. I also added another aston martin db7 picture. 10/24 I finished and added into the site the ferrari maranello section. I'm not sure if I will have another vehicle highlighted or just put together an alternate models page. 10/25 I got a bunch of pics for the ferrari section and resized them. I also added a coming soon button for the rest of the models I intend to add to the page. 10/28 I almost finished the ferrari page entirely. I worked on the other models page and have to add a little info to the last two pictures. 10/29 I started the lamborghini diablo page. I edited the picture and also finished the ferrari pages. 10/30 I finished the lamborghini history section. I have also saved a few other pictures for further sections. 10/31 I finished the Murcielago page and resized pictures for a history section on the countach and miura. 11/1 I worked on the pages for the countach and miura a bit. I finished the miura section and linked it all together. 11/4 I finished the lamborghini section. I linked it all together and it works. I also added a poll to the main page to take up some blank space that was begining to be too much. 11/5 I set up and started the lotus section. I edited a picture and linked it all together. 11/6 I finsished the Lotus Esprit history section and linked it into the page. I also created a page with the disclaimer from that allows me to use their information and photos. I then linked that into the page. 11/7 I added the Elise to the lotus section today. I linked it in and changed some info that was actually wrong. 11/8 I added the elise history section and that is it. But it took some time to resize everything. 11/12 ABSENT 11/13 I attempted flash today, its is too hard, so I messed with paint shop pro for a bit. 11/14 I decided to work on a site map. I started to make it but now i might try flash again and try to do it through that. 11/15 I worked on a flash tutorial today. I got through the fisrt tutorial section today. 11/18 Flash Tutorial. 11/19 Flash Tutorial. 11/20 Flash Tutorial. 11/21 Flash Tutorial. 11/22 Flash Tutotial 12/2 Site map. 12/3 Site map. Text is western script, impact font size12 white. 12/4 The site map is coming along nicely. I have to the lamborghini sections which could be difficult, but it's gonna work out. I still need to add a few sections the the page itself. 12/5 I have continued work on the site-map. I am considering adding the other sections to the site. 12/6 The site map is still being worked on and I have also gathered pictures for the other sections. 12/9 I am now working on the acura section. It is almost finished. 12/10 I finished the acura section and began work on the audi section. 12/11 The audi section is finished. I also started creating the Jaguar section of the page. 12/12 The jag section is almost finished. I have also added on to the site map as the pages have been added. 12/13 I finished the jaguar section today. I also updated the sitemap. 12/16 I started work on the invicta section and it will be finished tomorrow. Then all I will have left be the mesarati section and the site map. 12/17 I updated my log today and added the invicta section. I also worked on the site map. 1/6 I am still adding finishing touches to my site. I began putting together a page that has the fast-autos disclaimer on it. 1/7 I finished up a few little things. I also put together a links page. 1/8 I checked to make sure all the links work on my page. I also checked the site map and it is fully functional. The only problem was with the ferrari link, I went to it through google and it did the same thing, so it must be an error of theirs. 1/9-1/27 Worked with Paint Shop Pro and made some interesting pictures. I put them on a page that is linked to my webpage, as coolpics.html.