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Diablo History

1991 Diablo
Selling for $238,000, the Diablo is equiped with a V12. This car can reach 203mph and 100 in 10.4 seconds.
1993 Diablo VT
The VT sold for the same as the '91 Diablo and has the same top speed. It does however reach 100 in 9.6 seconds.
1995 Diablo SV
The Diablo SV sold for $229,000 and has a top speed of 204. It can go from 0-60 in 3.9 seconds, and 0-100 in 9.4 seconds.
1998 Diablo SVTT
For $259,000 the Twin-Turbo V12 SVTT has top speeds in excess of 200mph. It can get to 0-60 in 2.9 seconds.
1999 Diablo GTR
Going for $310,000, the GTR has a top speed of 210mph and can accelerate to 100 in 8.4 seconds.
1999 Diablo VT
The Diablo VT can reach about 200mph. It can reach 60 in 3.9 seconds and 100 in 9 seconds.

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