Comments (7) | Add a Comment
tottaly awesome!! but why don't u work on your toenails?
sina | |
June 21, 2005
your nails are just wonderful, would love to see them in person. Georges M.D.
georges | |
June 24, 2005
I love your nails! Fantastic!!!!!!!
vic | |
July 10, 2005
Your nails are amazing, and really beautiful!! Keep up the "growing". Keep us posted asto what's happening as well!!!
Regards from the Southern Tip of Africa
stanton | |
August 13, 2005
amazing nuff said.
renique |
February 20, 2006
totally amazing ,thats better lol but still not enough to accurately describe those gems....... keep growing girl.
renique |
February 20, 2006
Hey Shelley:
Very Fantastic nails. I wish meet you in person to watch those nails
jorge | |
April 16, 2006