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Just Look at all the Varied Exercises You can perform with The Hook!


Shoulder Raise


Front Shoulder Raise

Fold resistance bands in half for a Chest Expander

Behind the back Shoulder Raise


Forward Press

Loop a couple of resistance bands together for Pushups! Whether you use resistance bands or not, pushups should be included in any bodybuilding routine

Cross over. You can do this from several angles


Pull the Handles to your mid-section while performing a Wide Lat Spread

Pull Down

One arm wide Pull Down

Back Row

Shoulder Shrug


Overhand, Underhand Triceps Pulldowns. You can load the hook at the top of the door with resistance bands and then just grab what you need for sets.

Triceps Curl

Triceps Extension

Triceps Extension

No Clips to have to deal with! Just scoop up the amount of resistance you want and have at it!


Biceps Curls

Hammer Curls

"Incline" Curls

Biceps Pulldown

Concentration Curl


Underhand Curl

Overhand Curl


Hack Squat
Fold the bands in half

Front Leg Extension

Rear Leg Extension

Side Leg Extension

Calf Raises



Side Bends

Straight-arm Pulldowns

You can use the resistance bands on cable attachments!

Here I am doing "Nautilus Curls" - same position, same type of resistance performed on a three thousand dollar machine.

With a bit of creativity you can come up with your own exercises!

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