Crystal Balls
Scrying is a means of divination that requires meditation and any type
of reflective object...We will start with the crystal ball...which seems
to be the most popular. Large balls, three-six inches in diameter are
preferable. Place your crystal ball on a black or dark material. You
should be sitting, comfortably in a chair with the ball on a table in
front of you. The room should be dark except for candlelight… Do not
place the candles in front of you or where the light from the flame
will flicker on the crystal ball.
Clear your mind and begin to 'stare' at the ball, looking beyond the
surface into the inner most part of the crystal ball. Do not let your
gaze wander, yet do not push yourself. You may not see anything your
first few attempts, but do not get discouraged...
Practice makes perfect...
Some will 'see' on their first attempt, and some will need to practice.
You may see clouds or colors or even images that you can't quite make out
on your first attempts. Patience and concentration are the key words. Soon
you will be able to go into a state of awareness and be able to see the images
clearly. If you do not have a crystal ball, a bowl of clear water placed on a
black cloth will work as well and is more preferred by some, than the crystal
ball. If you use a bowl of water, look through the top of the bowl to the bottom,
not through the sides. It is recommended that your scrying time be no more than
half an hour, especially for beginners.
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