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Raising energy can be done in a variety of ways: singing, chanting, dancing, and visualization (guided or otherwise). Here are some suggestions for raising energy.

Roots and Branches

Close your eyes and imagine the following:

Your feet sink into the ground, becoming roots growing deep into our Mother the Earth, Her energies are all around, rising up like sap through your feet and legs; filling your body. Feel them in every cell. You are one with her.

You are a great strong tree. Stand tall with arms upstretched. These are your branches reaching up to our Father the Sky. Your leaves drink in the power of the Sun. The energies course down your arms and into the center of your being. Earth and sky energies mix. Feel the life-giving energy swirling thoughout your body. More energy is taken in with every breath. Fill the circle with this energy. Continue to draw it in and to send it out. You are at one with all that is. The life that pulses through nature, pulses through you.


Make a simple chant using the names of the goddess and god you are going to invoke. Rearrange them until the syllables flow rhythmically. It only needs to be a simple mantralike chant. One example is:
"Re, He-ca-te." Another is "Ven-us, Mer-cur-ius, Sol In-vic-tus."
The Chant that I use is called the Gayatri Mantra
and I use it in circle. What I found interesting
about the Goddess Gayatri Mantra was that when the
ancient sanskrit was translated into english, its
translation was similar to that of Valientes Wiccan
Charge of the Goddess, because it spoke of Divine Power.

"Om bhoor bhuvassuvaha,
Tatsa Vitur varenyam,
Bhargo devasya dheemahi,
Dheeyo yonah prachodayat"

Chant Thrice while feeling the divine power.
I will soon have a recording of me singing that
chant myself so check back more on this chant

If you have drums, rattles, tambourines, or other percussion instruments, use them to emphasize the beat. Dance around in a cirlce. If unable to dance, sit and sway with your eyes closed. Feel the chant resonate within you.

The Mill

This is a traditional spell, known as The Mill, and is used to raise and send energy for any purpose.

Dance around the cauldron, focusing on your magickal intent and chant the following rhyme:

"Air breathe and air blow

Make the mill of magick grow.

Work the will for which we pray

Eo deo ha hay yay.

Fire flame and fire burn
Make the mill of magic turn.

Work the will for which we pray

Eo deo ha hay yay.

Water heat and water boil
Make the mill of magick toil.

Work the will for which we pray

Eo deo ha hay yay.

Earth without and earth within
Make the mill of magick spin.
Work the will for which we pray
Eo deo ha hay yay."

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