Related Deities: Brigid, Brid, the Maiden, the Spring Goddess, the Young Lord
Related Herbs: Angelica, basil, bay leaves, myrrh
Related Stones: Quartz crystal, opal, moonstone, aventurine, sunstone
Although we call this celebration Imbolc [im’-bolk] or Candlemas, you probably
know it as Groundhog Day. The word Imbolc literally means “in the belly.” No
other name could be more appropriate, for this festival is a celebration of the first
fetal stirrings of the Earth as She responds to the wake-up call of spring. And
although this is definitely a fire festival, the emphasis here is not so much on
warmth as it is light. Why? Because the light is necessary to guide spring’s path
so it doesn’t get lost, or even worse, forget to renew the Earth with its greening.
This is also the reason why all candles to be used in magical efforts for the next
twelve months are blesses at this time.
One theme for this festival surrounds the preparation of Brid’s or Brigid’s
[breeds] Bed. This is usually a basket filled with raffia or Easter grass that’s
decorated with ivy and white satin ribbons. Then a corn dolly dressed as a bride
is placed inside along with a symbol of masculinity. This represents the first
intimate encounter between the Maiden Goddess and the Young Lord, and
ensures fertility in the months ahead.
The most common theme, however, is that of purification. It’s symbolized
by the sweeping of the circle, and it’s a little like spring-cleaning for the body,
mind, and spirit. We get rid of what’s no longer of use to us—bad habits, old
ideas, preconceived notions, unsavory character traits, and so forth—to make
way for the new and exciting things to come. We open our minds
and spirits to change and all it entails. And in doing so, we embrace new
life—a fertile, wonderful life where doors open and things fall into place,
a life that greens our hearts as well as our spirits, the life that we truly
want to live.
Imbolc Circle Notes
Use a brown altar cloth to symbolize the Earth, and decorate with narcissus,
daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, or other seasonal flowering bulbs. Anoint white
candles with musk oil and place then in ivy-covered candle rings. Burn Imbolc
Incense (a mixture of angelica, basil, bay leaves, and myrrh).
After casting the Circle with the wand, use the besom to sweep the perimeter
As you sweep, say something like: