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Chapter 1 - Happy Birthday

Taylor sat in the home studio at his keyboard. He was becoming frustrated trying to think of this song that came to him the other night, but he just couldn't remember how it went. He rubbed his face and pushed back his hair, pressing keys trying to come up with the tune. Just then the door of the studio swung open. Taylor jumped up out of his seat to see his whole family come rushing in with balloons and cake.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Taylor, happy birthday to you" they sang. Taylor smiled. Everyone had seemed to have forgotten his birthday that morning and it kinda bummed him out. He should have known they were planning something.

"How's my 17 year old?" his mom, Diana, said putting her arm around him.

"Starving" he said staring at the cake they had brought in. Diana laughed.

The family retreated to the kitchen of their home where cake and ice cream was had. They discussed the plans for the next day. Isaac, Taylor, and Zac were flying to New York in the morning by themselves for some shows and appearances. They had a busy couple of months coming up with the release of their new album. Walker and Diana always were nervous sending them off by themselves, but they weren't little kids anymore. Isaac was 19, Taylor was 17, and Zac was 14. Plus they had security with them.

After the little "party," Isaac, Taylor, and Zac went to upstairs to continue their packing. Isaac had finished his packing so he decided to help Taylor and Zac with their packing in their room. He had finally been able to get a room of his own.

"Excited?" Isaac asked Taylor as he zipped up one of the suitcases. Taylor glanced up from folding one of his shirts.

"Yeah..a little nervous. Feels like we haven't played a show in forever" Taylor said throwing the shirt in his suitcase.

"That's because we haven't played in forever" Zac said jumping in on the conversation "we're going to mess up a lot, I know it."

"Way to think positive, Zac" Isaac said as he rolled up one of Taylor's shirts and threw it at him.

"You guys almost done packing?" Walker interupted, he stood by the door to the room leaning his head in.

"Getting there" Taylor replied

"Good, I want you guys to go to sleep early tonight, you have a big day tomorrow" Walker said. He entered their room. "I know I give you guys this speech every time you go off by yourselves, but please stay safe when you're on the plane and when you're in the city. Watch out for each other, be aware of your surroundings"

"Yes dad, we know" Zac said smileing. He walked over and put his hand on his dad's sholder, "we've heard it a million times."

"...and you'll probably hear it a million and one times tomorrow before you leave" Walker said as he exited the room.

"He worries too much" Isaac said as finished his packing and sat on Taylor's bed next to him.

"Yeah, but he kinda has good reason to" Zac said sitting down next to them.

They all looked down at the floor knowing what Zac was refering to. It was something they rarely spoke of, something none of them liked thinking about.

"I'm going to go for a walk" Taylor said, feeling disturbed by the silence. He walked out of the room. Zac and Isaac looked at each other, then followed Taylor out of the room.

* * *

Taylor walked down the street looking at his surroundings. He didn't want to leave tomorrow, but he knew he had to and he knew when he got to New York he'd be happy to be there. He just enjoyed the comforts of home.

He loved going for walks around where he lived. Here everyone was just so used to him no one came up to him asking for an autograph. He could just be himself here and let his mind wonder. Lately that's what he needed. He didn't want to tell his dad, but he had been having dreams of when he was taken, seeing images in his mind. Things were starting to come back to him. Why? He didn't know. He also never told his father that he always feared that Ron would come back for him. He never told his father these things because he knew he already felt guilty enough for what happened to him. He also knew his father was overprotective enough as it is and he feared that he would feel the need to protect him more if he knew how he felt. He knew it killed his father to watch him and his brothers go off to cities on their own, he hated not being able to be there to protect them. He always had Ron on his mind. He always felt nervous around men he didn't know.

"Stop thinking about it Tay" He told himself.

The wind started blow and Taylor felt a chill go through his body. He had a bad feeling, but he decided just dismiss it as one of the many bad feelings he often got.

He glanced at his watch. He had been gone for an hour.

"Better get home" he thought to himself.

He turned around and began to walk back.

* * *

Chapter 2 >>
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