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Chapter 10 - Fear and Hope

Taylor opened his eyes. He realized he was still laying on the floor and what had happened all came back to him. By now he felt he had the strength to get up. He rolled onto his side and pushed himself up with his arms. It was painful, but he managed to get back up to his feet. He stood there trying to keep his balance. He limped to the bathroom where he saw a mirror and got his first look at himself in days. He almost didn't recognize himself. His hair was messy, dry blood was all over his face, his eyes were red from all the crying he had been doing. He looked awful. He glanced at the shower and decided he needed to take one and clean himself up. He opened up the curtain surprised to see shampoo and soap.

"Well at least they want me to stay clean after they beat the shit out of me" Taylor said to himself.

Taylor took off his clothes and climbed into the shower. He turned the faucet on and the warmth of the water spilled over him. It felt so good, he never wanted to leave. He looked down at the floor of the tub and saw the water turn red and watched it go down the drain. He felt sick to his stomach knowing that it was his blood from the beating he got from Ron. He washed his hair and his body. The water began to get colder, so he shut it off. He reached for a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He walked back out into the room and to the dressers to look at the clothes Ron had picked out for him. The clothes were stuff he would wear, he had to give Ron that. It still creeped him out that Ron knew what size he was and what he liked to wear.

Taylor chose a green t shirt and a pair of jeans. After he got dressed and dried his hair off with a towel he walked over to the bed and collapsed on it. He closed his eyes and pretended he was home in his house, in his room, in his own bed. His thoughts were disturbed by the rumble of his stomach. He opened his eyes and rubbed his stomach. He realized it had to have been three days since he last ate. This was the first time food had even crossed his mind since he was taken.

"Maybe they're going to starve me" Taylor said aloud, closing his eyes again. He still felt pain in many places of his body and he knew he needed to relax. As soon as he felt like he was about to doze off he heard the door knob rattle and he knew someone was coming in. The door opened and Holden walked in. Taylor struggled to sit up. Holden walked over to him.

"Well now, don't you clean up nicely" Holden said.

"Why did you tell Ron you didn't give me that tape" Taylor said, feeling less afraid of him.

"Because I knew what he'd do to you if he thought you took it" Holden said smiling. Taylor just shook his head. "Hurts to even move, doesn't it?" Holden asked, as if he knew from experience.

"Yes" Taylor replied quietly.

"Good" Holden said, sitting down on Taylor's bed. Taylor pushed himself against the wall so he wouldn't be as close to him.

"How long have you been taping me and my family like that?" Taylor asked with anger in his voice remembering what he saw on the tape.

"For years. We've always been watching you" Holden told him.

"Why are you watching my family? Why not just me? Why do you have cameras in my little sister's room?" Taylor asked raising his voice.

"We just like to know what's going on in your life and your family is a big part of your life, isn't it?" Holden asked him. Taylor shook his head up and down.

"A huge part of my life" Taylor said, feeling tears again. He tried his best to fight them back.

"You know, I was thinking we should send your family something to remember you by" Holden said. Taylor's head shot up and he looked at Holden not quite understanding what he meant. Holden continued, "maybe an ear or a finger or something." He pulled a knife out of his pocket. Taylor's eyes widened and he jumped off the bed. Holden stood up and grabbed Taylor and pinned him against the wall.

"What? You don't like knives, Taylor" Holden asked. He then put the knife to Taylor's throat. Taylor swallowed hard and looked Holden in the eyes. "It would be so easy" Holden said, looking at the knife. Taylor breathed in. This was it, it was all over.

Just then the door to the room came open. Ron stood there with his arms crossed.

"Stop it now Holden" Ron demanded. Holden turned around to look at his father, then he looked back at Taylor.

"You're lucky" Holden whispered and he took the knife away from Taylor throat. He then walked out of the room in anger, slamming the door shut. Taylor slid down the wall feeling relieved, but he knew Ron was now in the room with him and he began to feel uneasy, but he spoke up.

"Why didn't you just let him kill me" Taylor said, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"You're not ready to die yet, Taylor" Ron said, kneeling down so he could be at Taylor's level. Taylor looked him in the eyes.

"Are you going to kill me?" Taylor asked. He didn't even know if he wanted to know the answer.

"I don't want to, but I won't hesitate to do it if you keep breaking rules" Ron said nonchalantly.

"If you keep beating me like that I'm going to die" Taylor said as he looked at the ground.

"Then if you don't want to die don't mess with me" Ron said seriously. Taylor felt a chill run through him. He could tell he wasn't kidding. Ron stood up and walked out of the room. He came back in with a tray of food.

"I thought you might be hungry. I'll come back for the tray later" he said, setting it down on the table by Taylor's bed. He walked out of the room and shut the door. Taylor looked at the food and got up. It was a sandwich, some juice, and an apple.

"Yeah, this will fill me up" Taylor said sarcastically. He then ate the meal faster than he has ever eaten a meal in his life. He didn't realize how hungry he was. When he finished eating he looked at the TV. He walked over and turned it on. He found the remote and walked back to the bed where he laid down again. He was surprised to see that the TV had cable. He decided to just put it on MTV and try to go to sleep. As Taylor began to doze off he heard a familiar voice. He opened his eyes and looked at the TV. MTV news was on and there was Isaac.

"Its been really hard these past few days not knowing where he is or if he's safe. It's so weird without him here. It's like a huge part of my life is missing."

Taylor sat up and watched the TV as they showed Isaac and Zac sitting there being interviewed by John Norris. The segment cut back to John Norris talking.

"That was Isaac Hanson of the band, Hanson, talking about his brother, Taylor, who disappeared three days ago and hasn't been seen since. Taylor, who is now 17 was in New York with his brothers doing promotion for their new album, 'This Time Around.' The family suspects that Taylor may have been kidnapped. No one knows of his whereabouts, but the family is trying to stay positive"

They cut back to the interview and Zac spoke. Taylor watched tears fall out of his little brother's eyes as he spoke.

"Yeah we're trying to stay positive about all of this. Tay's a strong guy and he's smart. I know we'll find him. We have to find him."

The segment cut back to John Norris.

"To see the rest of this interview with Zac and Isaac Hanson, tune in Friday at 8:00. Our dearest sympathies go out to the Hanson family and we here at MTV wish Taylor a safe return home. Check back with us at 10 to the hour, every hour, right here on MTV"

Taylor turned the TV off with the remote and sat there staring at the black screen. Now he knew that the world knew he was missing. This means people are out looking for him. He had to have hope that he wasn't going to die here. He would be found. He had to believe that.

* * *

Chapter 11 >>
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