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Chapter 15 - Letting It Out

Holden pushed open the door of his father's office. Ron sat there at the desk writing something down. Holden walked over and sat in the chair in front of the desk. Ron didn't look up or acknowledge he was there.

"How is he cooperating?" Holden asked, referring to Taylor.

"He's still very stubborn. I thought we'd be further along by now" Ron answered him, still not looking up from his work.

"I heard him playing the piano"

"I got him to play a song for me last night"

"I can play the piano" Holden stated. Ron didn't say anything, "I'm not that good or anything, but I can play" Holden continued. He looked at his father who seemed to be ignoring him. "You should listen to me sometime" Holden said, trying to get him to pay attention. Ron slammed down his pen and looked at Holden.

"Holden I'm working here, go bug someone else" Ron yelled. Holden looked at his father, then he got up and left the office slamming the door. He was furious. His father never had time for him, he only had time for Taylor.

"God I hate that kid" Holden thought to himself. He decided he needed to take his anger out on someone and he knew just the person.

* * *

"Get up!" Taylor heard a voice yell. He sat up realizing he was on the floor. It took him a few seconds to remember why he was there, but it all came back to him. He felt absolutely drained. His eyes were blurry. He rubbed them with his palms and looked up at the figure standing in front of him. As his vision became clearer he saw it was Holden.

"I said get up!" Holden yelled. Taylor pulled himself onto his feet and stood there staring Holden in the eyes. Holden looked at the piano. He walked over to it and sat down.

"I heard you played my dad a song last night" Holden said looking at the keys of the piano.

"I didn't play it for him, I played it for myself. He just listened" Taylor stated, remembering how playing that song made him feel. Holden began to play a song on the piano. Taylor recognized it and realized he was playing it very wrong and very out of tune. He hesitated before he said something.

"You're playing it wrong" Taylor said. Holden shot Taylor a look then on continued to play. Taylor listened then stepped closer. He reached his hand to keys of the piano "You're supposed to..." Taylor started to say before Holden swung at him. Taylor jumped back just missing his fist.

"Don't tell me how to play it!" Holden yelled. Taylor rolled his eyes. He got a weird feeling. Why was Holden in here playing the piano?

"Just trying to help" Taylor said. He pushed his hair back. Holden stopped playing and he stood up. He walked over to Taylor got in his face.

"You think you're so damn good at everything, don't you?" Holden spat out. Taylor wiped his face and backed away.

"No" Taylor said, "but I do know how to play that song." Holden became sick of the small talk. He pulled out the knife he had put in his pocket. Taylor looked at it and stood still, keeping his eyes on it as Holden walked toward him.

"I hate you so much" Holden said. He walked around Taylor in a circle.

"Then kill me" Taylor said bravely. Holden stopped and looked at him.

"No, you don't want to die, I know that Taylor. You can play a tough guy act all you want, but I know this knife scares you and every time we come in this room you're afraid we're coming to kill you. I see right through you" Holden said. Taylor became frustrated.

"Honestly, if this is my life now here with you and your dad. I'd rather be dead" Taylor said.

"But your family, Taylor, you wouldn't want to upset them" Holden said smiling. Taylor hated that Holden always brought up his family. He decided to change the subject.

"Why the hell do you hate me so much?" Taylor asked.

"You wanna know why?" Holden spat out, "my father is obsessed with you. He spends all his time thinking about you. All these years its always been about getting you back. I'm his son, you're not his son. He never pays attention to me. It's always only about you and I hate you for it. You've ruined my life" Holden yelled. Taylor just looked at him in disbelief.

"You fucking act like I want to be here. You act like I wanted your dad to take me when I was four. Well here's some news for you, I hate your dad and I hate you and I hate every thing about this fucking place. I hate the fact that you've been watching me and my family all these years. I hate this room and this house. I hate that I was taken out of my life and put here and I have to deal with you and your father's shit every day. I hate that I can hardly walk. I hate that your dad is loose cannon and wants to beat the shit out of me for little things that I do. I hate my life now. Look at you" Taylor said staring straight at Holden, "You have to be at least three yours older than me and you're still here living with your dad trying to impress him. Grow up! Do something with your life. Go get a real fucking job and stop living off your father. I'm sorry that your dad is so pathetic that he's obsessed with me and doesn't want to pay attention to you. At least I know my dad and my mom and the rest of my family love me, don't even have that" Taylor blurted out. He couldn't even believe he said all that he just said. It was like another person was saying it, but it came out of his mouth. It was all that he had been thinking about since he got there. He knew he regretted it as soon as he saw the look of fury in Holden's eyes. His face became red. Taylor looked down at the knife he clutched in his hands. He had pissed him off royally and he should have known better than to piss off a man bigger than him holding a knife.

Holden launched himself at Taylor knocking him down on the floor. Holden held the knife in his hands. Taylor, lying on his back reached up and with all his strength he tried to hold Holden's arm that clutched the knife away from him. Holden grabbed Taylor's throat with his other hand. Out of desperation Taylor used his feet and kicked Holden square in the balls. Holden pulled himself off of Taylor and Taylor backed away. He looked at Holden. He had never seen someone with that look in their eyes. He looked sadistic.

"You're...dead" Holden breathed, then he jumped on top of him again. The two of them rolled around on the floor. Taylor held onto the hand with the knife and with all his strength pushed it away. Holden grabbed onto Taylor's hair pulling it as hard as he could as they rolled around. Taylor let out a yell in pain and pushed his hand once again as hard as he could away from him. Then they heard a the sound of the knife going into someone’s flesh. Taylor lay underneath Holden who let go of his grip of Taylor's hair. They stared at each other, Taylor darted his eyes down and saw blood. He looked up and his eyes met with Holden's. Holden rolled off of Taylor. Taylor glanced down at his shirt and saw blood all over it. He looked at Holden and saw what happened. Holden fell to the floor. Taylor's eyes widened in horror as he saw the blood coming out of Holden's chest. He had stabbed him.

* * *

Chapter 16 >>
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