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Chapter 17 - Frustration

The days krept by slowy. Taylor was left in the dark as to how Holden was doing. The only time he saw anyone else was when they came in to bring him food. He'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy not getting little visits from Ron or Holden, but he hated the fact that it was under these circumstances. If he had killed Holden he would have to live with the guilt for his entire life. But he also feared what Holden would do to him if he did live through this. Ron was another thing. Taylor was scared every time the door came open that it was Ron.

He tried to keep his mind clear of these thoughts. His days were spent lying around, playing the piano, and watching the TV. His life had gone with from of the most exciting things ever to being cooped up in a small room fearing everyone around him. He honestly didn't know if he could trust anyone again if he ever got out of this. His notebook was running out of paper, so he had stopped writing as much as he used to. I had written a letter to Isaac that he knew he would probably never be able to send, but it felt good to express his feelings to him, even though he was pretty sure he'd never be able to read it. He watched the TV, sometimes seeing news stories on himself. He'd sometimes see Isaac and Zac and he wanted so badly to just be with them or just to let them know he was alive. He often thought about that day he called Isaac. It killed him thinking about that. Maybe if he had been more careful he could have been out of here by now.

The day finally came when Taylor had to face Ron. Taylor was sleeping in the bed when he felt a hand on his back shaking him. He lay flat on his stomach and he looked up into Ron's eyes. He breathed in, feeling extremely scared. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. Ron took a seat on the foot of the bed. Taylor backed up as far away from him as he could, terrified of what he was going to say and/or do to him.

"I didn't think you had it in you" Ron said, looking directly at Taylor. Taylor felt uncomfortable under his gaze and looked down at the floor. He swallowed hard and spoke up.

"I...I didn't mean for it to happen like that. I didn't want to kill him" Taylor said quietly.

"Well it's a good thing he isn't dead then" Ron said. Taylor shot his head up and looked at Ron. Holden wasn't dead. He felt relieved, but his relief quickly turned into fear realizing that if Holden was alive he'd surely seek revenge on him for what he did when he was better.

"How badly is he hurt?" Taylor asked, really not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry about it, Taylor" Ron said. Taylor couldn't believe how calm Ron was. He thought he would be furious with him, but then again he never did get Ron's mood swings. Little things made him upset, but someone stabbing his son didn't. Ron moved closer to Taylor and Taylor tried to back away, but he realized he couldn't go any further.

"Tell me about your family" Ron said. Taylor gave him a weird look. The question was so random. Here he was, waiting for the beating of his life and he asks him about his family?

"What do you want to know?" Taylor asked, feeling uneasy. He didn't think Ron wanted him to talk about his family.

"Tell me about your father" Ron said. Taylor thought for a few seconds before he spoke. He knew he was going to get real emotional if he had to talk about his family. He was also very curious as to why Ron was asking him this, but he knew better by now to not question him, just do as he says.

"My dad...he's the best dad ever" Taylor said, already starting to feel tears in his eyes as he spoke, "he's the most supportive, caring, compassionate person...but I can honestly say that about anyone in my family." Taylor wiped his eyes. Ron moved closer to him.

"How about your brothers?" Ron said. Taylor sniffled, the smiled thinking about his brothers.

"Isaac and Zac are my best friends. We've gone through so much together. They're the best people I know. I can always go to Ike for advice or to Zac whenever I want a laugh. My little brother is fun too. I love them." Ron watched as Taylor broke down in tears.

"Taylor this is the last time you will ever speak of your family" Ron stated. Taylor looked at him confused.

"What? But you asked me..." Taylor started to say, but before he could finish his sentence Ron grabbed his shoulders forcefully. Taylor looked at him with fear in his eyes.

"I thought I'd give you one more chance to speak of your family because now I know where you stand with them. You will love me and Holden like that one day because now we are only family you have. Almost losing Holden as made realize that if I lose him you're all I have" Ron stated. Taylor just stared at him, this was unbelievable. He pushed his hands off his shoulders and stood up.

"You do realize that when I accidentally stabbed Holden he was trying to kill me, right?" Taylor said, "and you do realize you've beaten the shit of me so bad that I could barely move? Now you expect me to love you and consider you family? Not that I EVER would, but I usually don't get along well with people who try to KILL ME!" Taylor yelled. He was furious. "I will never, NEVER consider you family. My family is out there looking for me, my family loves me. You don't even know what family is! Look at you! Your son is in bad shape and you're in here with me. Go, be with your son, he wants your attention, I don't!"

Ron stood up. He grabbed Taylor, swung him around and pushed him back onto the bed. Taylor fell back as Ron held him down.

"You will learn Taylor. You will learn." He said coldly. He pushed him roughly and walked out of the room.

Taylor lay there, staring up at the ceiling, letting everything that just happened sink in. What would he learn? How was Ron going to force him to consider him and Holden family? He felt so angry. He looked over at the table near his bed and saw a glass of water sitting there from his lunch earlier. He picked it up and threw it as hard as he could against the wall, letting out his frustration. He walked over to his bed and started to feverishly pull off all the sheets, not even knowing why he was doing it. He threw the covers on the floor, letting out a loud yell. He was so tired of being scared, tired of wondering who was coming into his room, tired of Ron and Holden, just tired of everything that was happening to him. When he was finished ripping off the sheets of his bed he walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. He saw himself, but he didn't look the same anymore. His eyes were red and his face hasd black and blue marks on it. His lip was split. He shook his head and with all his strength, he punched the mirror and watched it shatter into pieces and fall into the floor. Tears filled his eyes and he looked down at this hand, covered in blood.

He walked out of the bathroom and backed himself into a corner sinking down the wall. He stared at his hand, his blood covered fingers shook uncontrollably. He reached out for a shirt that was laying near him and wrapped it around his hand, applying pressure. He looked around the room at the broken glass shattered on the floor from the glass he had thrown and his bed sheets scattered everywhere. He had never felt such an urge to destroy things like that. Everything was getting to him and just the thought of Ron made him so angry.

Tears still covered his face as he crawled over and found his notebook. He opened it up to his song, "Believe." With his left hand he scribbled down the words that came to him.

I was holding on, now I'm letting go
This is nothing more than a picture show
Everything I knew now I hardly know
Busy keeping less never getting more

He set the notebook down and brought his legs up to his chest. Putting his head down on his arms he cried again feeling completely unable to control his emotions. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall, letting sleep overcome him.

* * *

Chapter 18 >>
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