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Chapter 18 - Meanwhile...

Isaac laid on his bed in the hotel room. His mother had told him to go rest. The whole family had come up to New York when Taylor disapeared. Resting was something he just couldn't do these days. He hadn't gotten much sleep since it happened. The room was silent. He hated being alone with his thoughts these days. He laid with his eyes open, trying to get his mind off what he couldn't stop thinking about. He heard the door open and he turned his head to see who was coming in. He smiled when he saw it was Zac. Zac walked over and sat on Isaac's bed.

"Hi" he said.

"Hey" Isaac replied.

"You're not sleeping"

"You're very observant" Isaac said, rolling onto his back, "I can't sleep." Zac didn't say anything for a few seconds. He looked around then room, then back at Isaac.

"You're thinking about him" Zac said sadly.

"Do I ever think about anything else?" Zac laid down on the bed next to his brother. The two of them laid in silence staring at the ceiling.

"I wonder what he's doing right now" Zac said. Isaac turned his head to look at the window.

"He's probably scared...and alone" Isaac said.

"I like to think they're treating him well"

"Me too, but...I don't think that's the case...unfortunetly." The room went silent again. Zac turned his head to look at Isaac. He saw he was near tears.

"Stop blaming yourself" Zac spoke up. Isaac looked at him.

"I can't help it. I feel so guilty. I shouldn't have gotten so mad at him. Maybe he wouldn't have run off."

"You say that all the time. It's not your fault."

"We should have gone after him"

"But we didn't...and we can't change the past" Zac felt the tears start to come out of his eyes. Silence once again filled the room.

"I saw a police officer out in the hall. Was he questioning you?" Isaac asked, changing the subject. Zac sighed.

"Yes. I'm so tired of answering the same questions over and over."

"Me too" Isaac replied, just then they heard the door come open. Both boys turned their attention to the front of the room. Their mother came in.

"Zac you should leave Isaac alone, I sent him in here to rest" she said. Isaac and Zac sat up.

"No it's ok mom, I wasn't able to rest anyway" Diana walked over to the bed and sat down. She looked at her sons, they looked so tired.

"Talking about your brother?" she asked.

"What else?" Isaac and Zac said in unison. Diana reached out and rubbed Zac's back. Zac moved closer to her and rested his head on her shoulder.

"We're going to find him guys" she said, trying to comfort them and herself at the same time. Isaac and Zac looked at her and nodded their heads.

"I can't stop thinking about that phone call. He called me. I heard him. Then I just heard this loud cracking noise and he was gone" Isaac said, recalling that moment for what seemed like the millionth time, "he sounded so scared."

"I know Isaac, but we're so glad he called. We know he's alive and we know now that Ron took him. This is very important in finding him" Diana said, trying to make Isaac feel better.

"I just want him to come back" Isaac said, breaking down in tears. Diana reached out for him and hugged him. Zac couldn't stop his tears as they came spilling out of his eyes. He joined the hug and the three of them cried together in their huddle.

Walker stood at the door, watching the scene. He wiped his eyes, he hated hated seeing family like this. He gently pulled the door shut leaving his wife and sons in the room to cry out their frustrations. He walked down the hall. The family was given the whole floor of the hotel so they could have privacy. He opened the door to his daughter's room, looking in at Jessica and Avery sleeping, he noticed that Mackenzie was sharing Avery's bed. He smiled and walked out. He walked into his and Diana's room and looked in the crib where he saw his three year old daughter, Zoe sleeping. He felt so lucky to have these kids. It killed him that he couldn't protect them all. The thought of Taylor being with Ron made him sick to his stomach. He blamed himself for Taylor's kidnapping. In his mind he could have prevented it. When they found Taylor he knew it was going to take a lot for him not kill Ron. He thought back 14 years to the day this all started.

"Walker the phone's for you" Diana called from the kitchen. Walker stood up.

"I'll be right back guys" he told Isaac and Taylor, who he was playing Legos with. He walked into the kitchen. He smiled at Diana as he took the phone.


"Hello Walker" Walker recognized the voice. He looked at Diana who was watching him.

"Hold on" he told the person on the phone, "I'm going to take this upstairs" he told Diana. She nodded her head and Walker took the portable phone and walked up the stairs to his bedroom where he closed the door.

"What do you want Ron?" he said angrilly.

"I want my money"

"I don't have it"

"That's a shame. You have such a nice family, Walker."

"You stay away from my family" Walker shouted in a whisper.

"Then get the money"

"I told you I don't have it now"

"Then I'm sorry. Do yourself a favor and don't call the cops"


"Ron!" Walker yelled. He hung up the phone, took a moment recollect himself, then he walked back downstairs, hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Diana asked.

"Oh no one you know. Just someone from work." Walker lied.

"Oh" Diana said, sensing something was wrong. Walker walked back into the living room, smiling at his two sons who were still playing with their legos.

"Ron is all talk. He would never do anything. I can protect my family." Walker thought to himself. He sat down and continued to play with his boys.

Walker shook his head trying to rid his mind of this thought that haunted him every day of his life. He never knew that by not paying this man that Taylor would be put through what he's being put through. Walker slammed his hand down on the table in the room.

"I'll kill you Ron. I'll kill you." he said aloud.

* * *

Chapter 19 >>
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