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Chapter 19 - Doctor Andrew

Taylor woke up when he heard footsteps walking toward him. He moved his hand, forgetting he had injured it and felt a sharp pain. He let out a little yalp then looked up at who had entered the room. It was Ron.

"Well, you certainly made a mess in here" Ron said, surveying the room. He glanced down at Taylor who was holding his hand close to his chest with the shirt wrapped around it. He knealt down. Taylor tried to back away from him, but he couldn't go any further.

"What did you do to your hand?" Ron asked, reaching for his hand. Taylor pulled it away.

"Nothing. It's fine." Taylor said, letting out another small yalp as he moved it again. Ron forcefully grabbed Taylor's right arm and unwrapped the shirt. Taylor sucked in the air, gritting his teeth. Ron inspected his hand and then looked up at Taylor.

"How did you do this?" Ron asked. Taylor looked towards the bathroom. Ron turned his head and saw where Taylor was looking. He dropped his hand and got up to look. He walked into the bathroom, seeing the shattered pieces of the mirror scattered everywhere, "that was not very smart, Taylor."

Taylor ignored him and looked at his hand. The blood had stopped, but it looked pretty bad. Ron came back over, kneeling down, taking his hand again.

"I'm going to have Andrew look at this. Come on." Ron said grabbing Taylor's left arm and pulling him up. Taylor pulled back and stopped.

"Who's Andrew?" he asked fearfully.

"He's a doctor, now come on." Ron pulled him again. Taylor decided it would probably be best not to fight him on this. They walked out into the hallway and Ron led him to a room. He opened the door and walked in. A man who looked to be in his late 30's was sitting at a desk. The room looked like a doctor's office. The man looked up as they entered.

"Andrew, this is Taylor. He had an accident. Please take proper care of him." Ron said, then he walked out of the room. Taylor looked back, watching him leave. Then he looked back at Andrew. Andrew stood up and walked over to Taylor.

"So you're Taylor. Ron has told me so much about you" Andrew said, "what's the problem?" Taylor extended his arm out, showing Andrew his hand. Andrew crinkled his brow and took his hand in his.

"Wow, this looks pretty nasty. Have a seat over here" he said, gently grabbing Taylor's arm, leading him to a chair against the wall. Taylor sat down.

"How did you do this?" Andrew asked, inspecting his hand. Taylor was silent, he looked down at the floor, "Come on kid, talk to me. I need to know how you did this." Taylor looked up at him.

"I punched a mirror" he said quietly.

"What did you do that for?"

"I was mad"

"I'd say so. Most people don't go around punching mirrors for fun." Andrew said with a smile on his face, "Come on, let's get this cleaned up. Come over to the sink here." Andrew walked over to the sink on the other side of the room, Taylor followed. Andrew turned on the water and grabbed Taylor's hand putting it under the faucet. Taylor gritted his teeth. The water felt like knives stabbing at his hand. Andrew cleaned his hand. "Now this is going to hurt" Andrew warned him. He then poured rubbing alcohol over Taylor's hand.

"Ahhhh...god!" Taylor screamed, pulling his hand back. It felt like it was on fire.

"I told you" Andrew said. He led Taylor back the chair and sat him down, "looks like you're going to need stitches." Taylor's eyes widened.

"Stitches? It's that bad?" Taylor squeaked.

"mmm hmm" Andrew said, walking over to his desk. He pulled out a few instruments. Taylor felt almost comfortable with this guy. He decided to ask him some questions.

"Why are involved in this?" Taylor asked. Andew looked up at him.

"Involved in what?"

"This. Kidnapping me." Andrew stopped what he was doing and walked over to Taylor. Taylor already knew the answer to the question, "it's the money isn't it?"

"You got it, kid. I won't lie to you. I'm getting paid a ridiculous amount to be part of this"

"But you're a doctor. Don't doctors get paid a lot of money?"

"Not this much" Andrew said. Taylor decided to use the same tactic he tried on Mark.

"I'll pay you double what Ron is paying you to get me out of here." Taylor said seriously. Andrew laughed.

"How old are you?" Andrew asked, still laughing.

"17" Taylor answered.

"Where would a 17 year old kid get that much money?" Andrew asked as his laughter died down. Taylor looked at him. Did he not know who he was?

"I'm Taylor Hanson" he said, trying not to sound egotistical.

"...and that means what to me?" Andrew asked.

"I thought you said Ron told you a lot about me?"

"Well he told me what happened when you were younger and why he wants you here now, I've heard those stories"

"But he didn't tell you I'm.."

"You're what?" Andrew interrupted, still not taking him seriously.

"Famous." Taylor finished. Andew laughed again, looking at him.

"You're famous, huh?"

"You don't believe me"

"Can't say that I do"

"I'm in a band with my brothers called Hanson"

"Well that's original"

"We've sold millions of albums, been on a bunch on TV shows. We were actually just about to release our second album...but then this happened" Taylor looked down at the floor.

"That's nice kid" Andrew said. He started to walk back over to his desk.

"MMMBop" Taylor said, out of despairation. The man had to have heard of MMMBop. Andrew turned around.


"MMMBop. Have you heard the song MMMBop?" Taylor asked, almost pleading.

"Yes, I've heard that song"

"That's our song" Andrew just looked at him and laughed again. Taylor sighed. Andrew walked back over to his desk and grabbed his tools.

"Come on Mr. Celebrity, lay on that bed there." Andrew said, motioning toward a small bed in the corner of the room. Taylor got up and did as he was told. "I'm going to put you under now" Andrew said. Taylor sat up.

"Put me under?!" Taylor said.

"I don't think you want to be awake when I'm putting stitches in your hand, Taylor." Andrew said. Taylor relaxed and he laid back down. Andrew went to put the needle in Taylor's arm when Taylor stopped him.

"Please don't let Ron come in here while you're doing this or while I'm recovering from it." Taylor said. Andrew looked at the fear in his eyes.

"You're really scared of him aren't you?" Andrew asked.

"Yes...I am" Taylor replied.

"You know, he seems to really like you" Andrew said.

"Oh yeah, I can tell that by the way he beats the hell out of me." Taylor said sarcastically. Andrew stepped closer.

"I can't really control what Ron does, but if he tries to come in I'll tell him you need to not be disturbed, ok?" Taylor nodded his head. He closed his eyes feeling the needle go into his arm. He opened his eyes, seeing everything go blurry, then finally everything went black and he was out.

* * *

Chapter 20 >>
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