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Chapter 2 - Concerns

"Tay, wake up, we're about to land" Isaac said as he shook Taylor's shoulder.

"Already?" Taylor asked in a yawn. He began to rub his eyes.

"Yup. You've been sleeping pretty much the whole way here. I don't know how you do it" Isaac replied, taking off his headphones and putting them into a backpack by his seat.

"Lots and lots of practice" Taylor replied, reaching for his backpack. He looked over and saw the empty seat next to him. "Where's Zac?"

"Bathroom" Isaac replied. Just then Zac came back, plopping back into his seat.

"I swear, with every plane we take, the bathrooms just get smaller and smaller" Zac said. Taylor and Isaac laughed. Zac always complained about the bathrooms on planes, yet he always seemed to be the one who used them the most.

The three of them got off the plane and were met my airport security. They were taken to a car waiting for them outside of the airport to take them to their hotel. They loaded their luggage into the trunk of the car. Taylor stopped and looked around. He had this feeling someone was watching them.

"Tay....Taylor..." Zac said noticing Taylor wasn't paying attention. He pushed Taylor a little. Finally Taylor came to and looked at Zac.

"What?" He asked.

"Are you going to get in the car or just stand out here all night?" Zac said as he walked around Taylor and got into the car.

"Oh...right. Sorry" Taylor said, climbing into the car himself.

The ride to the hotel was quiet. Isaac could tell something was bugging Taylor, but he didn't want to ask him about it just then. He decided to wait until they got into the hotel room.

* * *

Taylor collapsed on the bed, climbing under the covers. They had reached the hotel and it was late.

"I can't believe you're tired. You slept the whole way here" Isaac said watching Taylor get comfortable in the bed.

"I'm not really that tired, I just feel like lying down and relaxing" Taylor said. Isaac glanced over a Zac who was messing with the TV on the other side of the room.

"Is something wrong, Tay?" Isaac asked him, sitting down on Taylor's bed next to him. Taylor turned over and looked at him.

"Why do you ask?"

"You just seem kinda bummed and it seems like something's bothering you" Isaac looked at Taylor concerned. Taylor sat up.

"I just have this weird feeling. I think it may have to do with...Ron. I don't know. Maybe I'm just going crazy. I don't know why this is bugging me now" Taylor said looking toward the window. He could never lie to Isaac about how he was feeling.

"Tay, that was..." Isaac stopped to think, "14 years ago. You need to stop doing this to yourself."

"I know Ike. It's something I never stop thinking about. Just now, for some reason I'm getting this bad feeling and I know it's nothing. It's just...I don't even know. I'm fine" Taylor said lying back down. He turned so his back faced Isaac. Isaac hesitated.

"Ok..but if you ever need to talk about it...or anything just let me know" Isaac said standing up.

"mmm hmm" Taylor mumbled, closing his eyes, waiting for sleep to take over. Maybe he was more tired than he thought.

"Zac. Bed time." Isaac yelled across the room.

"You know Ike, since you're 'in charge' and mom and dad aren't here, you could be the cool brother and let me stay up" Zac said giving Isaac his 'sad eyes.' Isaac walked over and turned off the TV.

"Nice try. Go to bed"

"You're no fun" Zac said getting up and walking over to his bed. Isaac went to turn the light off. He looked at Taylor wishing he could help him. Taylor always had these bad feelings and he only told him about it. He knew that Taylor was petrified of Ron and how paranoid he was about him still being out there. Isaac always tried to do his best to comfort him, but sometimes it wasn't enough.

"Hey Ike. How am I supposed to go to sleep with the light on?" Zac yelled.

Isaac came back to reality. He turned off the light and the room became dark except for to glow of the city the seeped through the window.

* * *

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