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Chapter 20 - Famous?

Ron walked into Taylor's room and surveyed the mess once again. He turned around hearing someone else enter the room. It was Andrew.

"I just put stitches in his hand. He'll be out for a while. What happened in here?" Andrew looked around the room.

"He had a little tantrum" Ron said.

"Where's the mirror he punched?"

"In the bathroom, right there" Ron said pointing to it. Andrew walked in and looked around at the broken glass and the dried drops of blood on the floor. He shook his head and walked out of the bathroom.

"The kid must be very frustrated." Andrew said.

"Yeah" Ron said. He looked over in the corner he had found Taylor sleeping in and saw a notebook laying there. He walked over, picked it up, and looked through it. Andrew watched him curiously.

"What is that?" Andrew asked.

"His notebook. He always tries to hide it from me." Ron said as he scanned over some of the pages.

"What did he write in it?" Andrew asked.

"It looks like he has just been writing songs." Ron said, flipping through the pages. Andrew looked at the notebook, then back up at Ron.

"Before I put him out and gave him his stitches he was telling me that he was famous. Is that true, Ron?" Andrew asked. Ron looked up from the notebook.

"Why did he mention that?"

"Oh I just asked him to tell me about himself, that's all" Andrew lied. He didn't want to tell Ron that Taylor was offering him money and that's how the subject came up. He didn't want to get him in anymore trouble. Ron sighed and nodded his head.

"Yes, he is famous." Ron said, then he continued to look through the notebook. Andrew couldn't believe that Taylor was actually telling him the truth.

"I'm going to go check on him now." Andrew said, then he left the room.

Ron read through the lyrics of some the songs. Just then a loose piece of paper fell out of the notebook. He bent down and picked up, unfolding it, he saw what looked to be a letter.

I don't know why I'm even writing this. You're probably never going to see it. I don't even know the date or anything really anymore. I wish I could express to you how sorry I am that I ran out that day. I wish I had stayed and talked to you, but that didn't happen. Maybe things would be different if I had. So, basically, this place sucks. I can't even begin to tell you all that I've been through here and how many times I've just wanted to die. I miss you all so much and I would do anything to be with you guys right now. It kills me thinking that you're all so worried about me. You guys have a right to be though. I won't lie to you, I've honestly thought they were going to kill me so many times.

The chances of this ever getting mailed are very slim, but I'm going to tell you about what I know about where I am just in case you ever get your hands on this. I know we're out of the city. The car ride here was about 5 hours long. I looked at my watch to keep track. From the signs I saw I could tell we were headed upstate. One of the last signs I saw before we turned down this road to this house where I'm in now said "Carteren Road." I can't remember much about the trip here. Everything kinda seems like a blur these days. The house I'm in is pretty much in the middle of nowhere (no pun intended haha). There is absolutely nothing around. This house looks abandoned on the outside, but inside it's quite the sight to see. It's a big place. The car I was taken in has the license plate number BZX 1087. The man who took me in that car was named Mark.

You're never going to see this, but it feels good to write this stuff down. You should see all the songs I've written Ike, it's almost ridiculous. I wish I could tell you that they're treating me well, but they're not. I've had the life beaten out of me too many times now. Ron scares me like no other person in this world. His son, Holden is the creepiest guy. I almost killed him...accidently. This whole thing has been insane. All I can tell you is that I'm alive, for now. This will never be mailed, so it's pointless to write anymore. I love you.


Ron folded up the letter, taking it and the notebook with him as he walked out of the room.

* * *

Andrew checked Taylor's breathing to make sure he was alright. He seemed fine. He looked at him sleeping and he felt sorry for him for all he was going through. He couldn't imagine how this kid felt and he began to almost feel guilty about helping Ron with this whole situation. Just then he heard the door open and turned his head to see Ron come into the room. Ron walked over to him, still holding Taylor's notebook.

"How is he?" Ron asked.

"He's fine. He should be awake in about an hour." Andrew told him. Ron took a step forward, but Andrew put his hand on his shoulder, remembering what Taylor had said to him.

"He shouldn't be disturbed. We should just leave him alone for now." Andrew said. Ron nodded his head and he and Andrew walked out of the room.

"Andrew can you go to my office and get the key for the upstairs room for me?" Ron asked.

"Of course, sir." Andrew said, taking off down the hallway. He walked into Ron's office and found the key. As he reached for the key he noticed a large box next to Ron's desk. He turned his head to the door to make sure no one watching, then he looked in the box. Inside of the box he saw tons of magazines with Taylor and his brother's on the cover. He saw articals cut out, pin ups, everything that had to do with Taylor was in there. He pulled out a few of the magazines, looking at some of the articles.

"Well the kid definitely wasn't lying" Andrew said to himself. He then noticed two CD cases in the side of the box. He reached in, pulling them out. One was bright orange and he saw three young boys on the cover. It took him a second to realize the one in the middle was Taylor. He then looked at the other one that was brown, he saw Taylor and the two other boys again, this time looking much more grown up. Andrew checked the door again, then put the CDs under his jacket. He closed the box, grabbed the key, and headed back to the hallway where he found Ron standing looking through the notebook again.

"Here you go." Andrew said, handing Ron the key.

"Thank you." Ron said and he walked off. Andrew waited until Ron was completely out of sight before he entered his room. He locked the door so no one could come in. He glanced at Taylor, still asleep. He walked over to one of the cabinets in his room and took out a small CD player and plugged it into the socket on the wall. He pulled the two CDs out of his jacket and looked at them. After a small debate in his head, he decided to put the brown one called, "This Time Around" in the CD player. He pressed play and listened to the music fill the room.

"Woah, woah, woah you don't know..."

* * *

Chapter 21 >>
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