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Chapter 23 - Friend?

Andrew looked up at the clock. 12:45 am. It was late. He rubbed his eyes, then he put his papers in his desk and stood up. He grabbed his bag and walked over to the door, turned off the light and walked out. He walked down the hallway with all intentions to leave when he passed by Taylor's room. He stopped and looked at the door. He felt terrible about yelling at him earlier. Without thinking he took out his keys and unlocked Taylor's door. He stepped in, not completely sure what he was doing.

Taylor was laying on his bed in the dark watching TV. He glanced over at the doorway seeing Andrew standing there. They looked at each other for a few seconds before Andrew spoke up.

"I didn't think you would be awake." He said.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Taylor asked, glancing back at the TV.

"Well it's almost 1 am." Andrew said, shutting the door behind him. He walked over to Taylor's bed.

"I have no concept of time anymore." Taylor said as he stared at the TV.

"I'm sorry." Andrew said quietly. Taylor turned his head to look at him.

"You're sorry?"

"I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier. I'm sorry you have to be here. I'm sorry for all you've gone through." Andrew looked away. Taylor grabbed the remote for the TV and muted it. He sat up and looked at Andrew curiously.

"Then why don't you do something about it?" He said.

"Taylor. I can't." Andrew sat down next to him. Taylor just shook his head.

"Got yourself in too deep here, huh?" Taylor said. He began to play with the ring on his finger.

"I wasn't expecting to..."

"To what? To like me?" Taylor interupted.

"Yes. This makes it so much more difficult for me."

"Then fix it! Let me go home!" Taylor yelled.

"I can't!" Andrew yelled back. The two of them sat there in silence.

"Were you going home?" Taylor asked noticing the bag he had in his hands. Andrew looked down at the bag.

"Yes. I was."

"Must be nice." Taylor got up and walked over to the piano. He sat down and pressed some keys, not playing any song in particular. "Are you married?" He asked, still looking at the piano.


"Do you have any kids?"


"How come?"

"You're a bit nosey with all these questions."

"I think I have a right to be." Taylor turned his body and sat on the edge of the piano bench so he was facing Andrew.

"We plan to have kids some day, but not now." Andrew glanced over at the door, hoping Ron wouldn't come in.

"Does your wife know what you're doing here?"


"What do you tell her you're doing?"

"I tell her I work at a hospital."

"She never calls to check up on you or anything?"

"No, I gave her my cell phone number if she needs anything. Fortunetly, she trusts me and never really needs to call and check up on me." Andrew sighed. He hated lying to his wife about what he was doing. They sat in silence for a few seconds.

"I think it's time I asked you some questions." Andrew said. Taylor smiled a little.

"Go ahead. I have nothing to hide."

"Why would you get famous if you knew Ron was out there looking for you?" Andrew asked. Taylor let out a little laugh.

"I couldn't let Ron dictate my life. I couldn't let him stop me from fullfilling my dreams and doing what I wanted with my life. Music is everything to me, it has been for as long as I can remember. Becoming successful and getting paid for doing what I love is pretty amazing. It's an oppertunity you can't refuse." Taylor smiled. He loved talking about his music and his career. It genunily made him happy.

"Are those two boys on those CDs with you your only siblings?"

"No. I have three younger sisters and another little brother."

"You have a big family."

"Yeah. It's great. I'm a lucky a person...or at least I was lucky." Taylor turned around and began to play a song on the piano. Andrew watched him attentively. He felt even worse about being part of this.

"I'll make you a deal, Taylor." Andrew said. Taylor stopped playing and looked at him, "I can't get you out of here. I just can't do it, do you understand that?"

"I understand that you say you can't do it, but I don't understand why completely." Taylor looked him in the eyes.

"Well, all I can do for you is try to keep Ron and Holden from hurting you. All I ask of you is to not tell Ron or Holden that we have conversations like this. Deal?"

"Why would I tell them?"

"You just can't let it slip out, Taylor. Both of our lives are on the line if you do. Now, do we have a deal?" Andrew put out his hand for Taylor to shake. Taylor sat there, unsure of what to do. He stood up and took Andrew's hand.

"We have a deal, but I will never fully understand why you can't help me." Taylor said as he shook his hand up and down with Andrew's. Andrew stood up and grabbed his bag.

"I'm going to head home now. I'll see you in the morning." He walked over to the door to leave.

"Wait!" Taylor called. Andrew stopped and turned around. He watched as Taylor grabbed one of the pieces of paper on the ground and wrote down something really fast. He walked over and handed him the piece of paper. Andrew looked at it.

"What is this?" Andrew asked looking at what Taylor had written.

"My address and phone number...just in case you want to ever contact my family." Andrew looked up at Taylor.

"You know I can't do anything with this." He said.

"It's just in case." Taylor watched Andrew put it in his pocket, "I have a feeling you're going to help me get out of here in some way or another."

"Oh you do?"

"Yes. I'm very good at reading people."

"Well I think you're wrong about this."

"We'll see about that." Taylor smiled. Andrew shook his head and let out a little laugh.

"Good night, Taylor." Andrew said. Taylor just nodded his head and turned around to walk back to his bed. Andrew stuck his head out the doorway, checking to see if anyone was out in the hallway. It looked clear and he walked out shutting Taylor's door gently.

As soon as Andrew was out of the building Ron stepped out from another room hearing him leave. He looked at Taylor's door curiously wondering why Andrew was in there at this time of night.

* * *

Chapter 24 >>
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