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Chapter 24 - A Gift

Andrew walked into the building ready to get back to work. He was also anxious to see Taylor after their conversation last night. As he walked in the front door her saw Ron standing outside of his office with a serious look on his face. Andrew stopped and looked at him.

"Hello Ron." Andrew said, then he continued to walk toward his office.

"Come into my office for a few minutes, Andrew. We need to talk about something." Ron said, then he turned and walked into his office. Andrew hesitated, but he walked into the room, shutting the door behind him. He sat down in the chair in front of Ron's desk. The two men looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Why were you in Taylor's room last night?" Ron asked, placing his hands on his desk, looking straight at Andrew. Andrew panicked for a second. He didn't think Ron knew he went into see Taylor last night. He quickly thought of an excuse.

"I was checking on his hand." He lied.

"At 1:00 in the morning?"

"Well, earlier in the day yesterday I noticed it was bleeding a little. So I became a little concerned. I was leaving last night to go home and I decided to see if he was awake so I could check on it again. He was awake, so I checked on it." Andrew said, hoping that Ron hadn't some how heard their conversation. Ron sat back in his chair.

"You were in there for a while."

"I had to give him instructions on how to take care of it since I can't be there all the time." Andrew hoped Ron couldn't tell he was lying. Ron scanned Andrew's face, not knowing whether or not to believe him.

"I don't want you two getting close. I only want you in there to check on his hand or to take care of any serious injuries he may have during his stay here."

"I understand, sir."


"May I go now?" Andrew stood up to leave.

"Yes, but remember. Only go see him to check on his hand."

"Yes sir." Andrew said and then he walked out of Ron's office. Ron shook his head. He wasn't sure if he could trust him.

* * *

Andrew went to his office. He let a few hours pass by before he went to see Taylor again. He pulled something out of his bag and left his office, heading toward Taylor's room. When he reached his door, he pulled out his keys and unlocked it. He gently pushed the door open and saw Taylor sitting at his piano, playing away.

Taylor turned his attention to the doorway when he heard the door open. He was relieved to see it was Andrew.

"Hello Taylor." Andrew said. Taylor turned his body around so he was facing him.

"Hey." He said. He noticed Andrew was holding something behind his back. He leaned his head over to try to see what it was. "What do you have there?" He asked.

"A present."

"A present?" Taylor was confused. Andrew turned around and shut the door. He took a few steps closer to Taylor and pulled out what he was hiding behind his back. Taylor's mouth dropped open when he saw a notebook in his hands. He stood up, walking over to Andrew, looking down at the notebook in his hands.

"This is for me?" He asked. Andrew smiled.

"I figured you may want another one since you're old one got ruined." Andrew said, glancing down at the shreds of paper that still lay on the floor. Taylor looked at them too, then back up at Andrew. He slowly took the notebook out of Andrew's hands and looked at it. It was just a notebook, but it meant so much to him. He stood there speechless. He set the notebook down on the piano and then looked back up at Andrew. He then walked back over to him and wrapped his arms around him, giving him a hug. Andrew was confused by the gesture and he stood there for a few seconds before he embraced Taylor in his arms.

"Thank you so much." Taylor said, pulling away. Andrew nodded his head.

"You can't let Ron know you have that. Only write in it when you know he won't be coming in. Find a good place to hide it."

"Don't worry. Ron won't find it."

"Good. Now sit down so I can have a look at your hand." Taylor sat down on the piano bench and held out his hand for Andrew. Andrew unwrapped the bandage and inspected his hand.

"Does it hurt at all?"

"No, not really."

"Well it looks good. You'll be healed up pretty quickly." Andrew said as he wrapped the bandage back around his hand.

"That's good I guess." Taylor said holding his hand up so he could look at it.

"Taylor, Ron saw me coming out of your room last night." Andew said, lowering his voice. Taylor dropped his hand and looked at Andrew.


"I can't come in here as much as I would like to, Taylor. He doesn't want us getting close." Andrew looked him in the eyes. Taylor sighed. He didn't know why, but being with Andrew put him at ease. He liked his company.

"You'll still make sure they don't hurt me, right?" Taylor asked with concern in his voice.

"I make no promises. All I can do is try."

"I guess that's better than nothing."

"I have to go now." Andrew turned to leave.

"Bye." Taylor said as he watched him walk out of the room. He turned around and picked up his new notebook. He was amazed that Andrew would bring him such a gift. He couldn't wait to write down all the stuff that had been floating around in his head. He opened it up and began writing, never wanting to stop.

* * *

"Where have you been?" Holden asked in an angry voice seeing Andrew walk into his room.

"I was checking on Taylor." Andrew answered him as he gathered some things from his bag. He walked over to Holden to check his breathing.

"You're supposed to be paying attention to me. Who cares about Taylor."

"I'm just doing what your father asks."

"How much longer until I can get up and walk around?"

"A few more weeks."

"That's too long."

"I'm sorry Holden."

"I don't think you are."

"Ok. Well, get some sleep. I'll be in later." Andrew said and then he walked out of the room.

Holden pulled himself up in a sitting position. He knew it was time for him to get his revenge on Taylor for what he had done to him. He would make him regret what he did. He smiled thinking of how he was going to punish him. He reached under his bed pulling out a large knife and laughed a little looking at it imagining how scared Taylor was going to be when he saw it. He placed the knife back under his bed and laid back down.

"Tonight Taylor" He said, putting his arms behind his head, "Just you wait."

* * *

Chapter 25 >>
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