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Chapter 25 - Revenge

Holden watched the clock. When it struck 2 am he knew it was time. He pulled himself up off his bed and reached under it for his knife which he carefully placed in his pocket. He quietly walked out of his room and down the hall, checking in on his father's room to make sure he was asleep. He was. He had heard Andrew leave about an hour ago. Now was the perfect time.

He walked quietly down the dark hallway with a smile on his face. He reached Taylor's door, pulled out his key and unlocked it. He walked in, shutting the door gently behind.

Taylor lay sound asleep in his bed facing the wall. Holden walked over to the bed and stood over him, looking down at him as if he was his prey. He pulled the knife out of his pocket and set it on the table near the bed. He then reached over Taylor, putting his hand over his mouth roughly pulling at his face.

Taylor's eyes shot open. He flipped over on his back to look up at whoever it was that was holding their hand over his mouth. His eyes widened in fear when he found himself looking into the eyes of Holden. He went to yell, but he couldn't with Holden's hand over his mouth.

"I'm back!" Holden announced, then he grabbed Taylor around the neck, swung him off the bed, and roughly threw him on the ground. Taylor sat up, taking a few seconds to clear his head. He didn't know what to think or do and Holden was looking at him like he hated him more than anyone in the world.

"Put your shoes on, we're going for a walk." Holden said. Taylor looked at him confused, but didn't question him. He crawled over to where his shoes were by his bed and put them on.

"Hurry up!" Holden said in a loud whisper. Taylor finished tying his shoes and stood up, looking at Holden nervously.

"What are you going to do?" Taylor asked, his voice shaking. Holden ignored his question and picked his knife up off the table. He grabbed his arm, pulling him toward the door. Taylor pulled back and stopped, he didn't want to go anywhere with Holden.

"Stop struggeling. You're coming with me." Holden said, grabbing his arm again roughly.

"Listen Holden, I'm sorry about what happened ok? I didn't mean to do it!" Taylor protested.

"Shut up!" Holden shouted in a whisper, "now...when we leave this room, if you make ANY noise at all I'll kill you right here and now. Got it?" Holden said, getting into Taylor's face. Taylor nodded his head. "Good."

Holden held onto Taylor's arm tightly as he led him out of the room and down the hallway. They walked out of the house and Taylor felt the warmth of the spring air for the first time in what seemed like forever. It was dark, but Holden carried a flashlight to light their way. They walked a little ways until they reached a bunch of trees. Taylor realized they were headed into the woods.

"Why are you taking me out here?" Taylor asked. Holden let out a little laugh as he continued walking.

"No one can hear you scream out here." Holden said. Taylor swallowed hard and looked up at him. He tried to hold back the tears that were desperatly trying to fall out of his eyes. They came to a clearing and Holden stopped. He forcefully pushed Taylor hard and he fell to the ground. Taylor landed face first and rolled over on his back to see Holden standing over him. He had never seen anyone look so evil.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time." Holden said and with that he stepped on Taylor's stomach with his foot, pressing down as hard as he could. Taylor screamed out in pain thinking his stomach was just going to cave in. After a few seconds of that Holden removed his foot. Taylor rolled on his side coughing violently. Holden looked down at Taylor's hand, noticing the bandage.

"Aw did you hurt your hand?" Holden asked. Taylor looked up at him, not saying a word. "We better even this out then" He said noticing Taylor's left arm was extended out. He walked over and stepped on Taylor's left hand.

"Ahhh...oh god...fuck!" Taylor screamed. When Holden let the weight off, Taylor brought his hand up to look at it. His fingers trembled and he thought for sure it was broken. Suddenly he felt Holden pick him up off the ground by his shirt. Holden pushed him backwards, slamming his body into a large tree. Taylor's head hit the tree so hard he thought he was going to be knocked out. Holden stood there, Holding Taylor up against the tree.

"Do you have any idea how much I hate you?" Holden said in a sinister tone. Taylor breathed heavily and said nothing, he just looked him in the eyes. Holden brought back his fist and punched Taylor across the face, sending him to the ground. He tried to push himself up, but he felt Holden's foot on his back keeping him down. Holden reached down and grabbed a handfull of Taylor's hair and pulled it as hard as he could with his foot still remaining on his back.

"Ahhhh! Please...please stop!" Taylor screamed. Holden released his grip on his hair, letting Taylor's head fall to the ground. He removed his foot and stood there watching his victim lay in pain. Taylor turned over so he was laying on his back and looked up at Holden. He felt sick to his stomach just seeing his face and seeing the sheer joy he got out of hurting him.

Holden took out his knife and knealt down next to Taylor. Taylor followed him with his eyes, unable to move. He straddled Taylor to keep him down and with his left hand he held his arms down on the ground over his head.

"I know you hate knives." Holden said, smieling. He pulled Taylor's shirt up a little and placed the knife on his stomach. Taylor closed his eyes tightly feeling the cold metal of the blade on his skin. This was torture, that's all it was.

"Let's see how well you bleed." Holden said and with that he took the knife and made a cut in Taylor's stomach. Taylor cried out a muffled scream and tears ran down his cheeks. Holden got off Taylor, realeasing his hands and stood over him again. Taylor brought his hand down to his stomach, placing it on the cut. He brought his hand back up and saw the blood. He felt lightheaded and he thought for sure he was going to pass out when he felt Holden pull him up by his shirt again. He leaned Taylor against the tree and Taylor was too weak to stand up. He let his body sink down the tree. He lifted his head slowly. His hair fell into his face and he looked up to see Holden rumaging through the dirt a few feet away. His vision was blurred so he had no idea what he was doing. He watched Holden walk back over to him carrying something very large in his hands. He blinked many times before his vision cleared and he saw Holden standing over him with a huge rock in his hands.

Taylor felt the tears roll down his cheeks. He had had enough. He couldn't take this anymore. With all he could, I spoke up.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it." Taylor said quietly, looking Holden in the eyes.

"It would be my pleasure. Good night, Taylor." Holden said, raising the rock above his head. Taylor bowed his head closing his eyes tightly waiting for the blow, waiting for it all to be over. Time stood still.

* * *

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