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Chapter 26 - Kill Him?

"What is going on here?!" A voice cried out. Taylor opened his eyes and raised his head to see where the voice came from. He saw a black silhouette of a man in the distance. Holden swung around, still holding the rock. Taylor tried to make out who it was. For a second he thought it was Andrew, but as the man stepped closer he saw it was Ron. Holden saw this too and dropped the rock onto the ground. Ron held up a flashlight shining it on the two boys, surveying the scene.

"Holden what are you doing out here? You're supposed to be resting. You cannot be out here in your condition!" Ron yelled. Taylor looked at Holden, wondering what he was going to say. Holden turned around and glanced at Taylor, then looked at his father.

"I heard noises and I went to check it out and I found him trying to escape." Holden said. Taylor's mouth dropped open. Holden continued, "I followed him out here. When I caught him I thought I should punish him for trying to get out."

Ron put the flashlight directly on Taylor. Taylor squinted his eyes when the light landed on him. Ron walked over and knealt down next to him. Taylor looked at him helplessly.

"Is this true, Taylor?" Ron asked calmly. Taylor said nothing. It was no use. No matter what he said Ron wouldn't believe him. He just turned his head and looked away. He didn't even feel like he had the energy to speak anymore. Ron shook his head back and forth and stood up.

"We're going back to the house." Ron said looking at Holden. He looked down at Taylor who now had tears in his eyes. "I'm guessing you can't walk?" Taylor shook his head no. "Fine, I'll carry you." With that he leaned down, picking Taylor up off the gound, putting him over his sholder. Taylor let out a small yell in pain. His entire body ached. He couldn't believe he was still alive. The the situation and the pain was too much. He passed out in Ron's arms.

"Go back to your room Holden." Ron demanded as they walked back into the house. Holden nodded and started to walk away, when he stopped and looked back at his father.

"He's too much trouble dad. I say we just kill him."

"Go to your room." Ron said again. Holden sighed and walked away. Ron carried Taylor back to his room where he dropped him on the floor. Taylor came to and looked up at Ron standing over him. Ron stared into Taylor's blue eyes and shook his head.

"I don't know what we're going to do with this Taylor. This may have to be the end." Ron said. Taylor said nothing. He closed his eyes and turned away. Ron walked out shutting the door and locking it.

* * *

Andrew arrived at the house earlier than usual that day. He walked into his office and went over a few things. After a few minutes he decided he should go check on Taylor and see how he was doing. He walked out of his office and down the hall a little ways, taking out his keys, he unlocked Taylor's door and walked in. He saw Taylor laying on the floor looking bruised and bloodied. He quickly shut the door behind him and locked it then he ran over to Taylor kneeling down.

"Taylor. Taylor wake up!" He said, pushing him a little. He went to feel for a pulse when he saw Taylor's eyes open slowly. He let out sigh of relief, but quickly went back to being concerned.

"What happened?" Andrew asked. Taylor moaned a little as he felt the reprecussions from the night before. The memories flooded back into his head. He tried to sit up, but had trouble. Andrew noticed this and helped him sit up, leaning him against the bed.

"Are you ok?" Andrew asked.

"I don't know." Taylor answered weakly. "Is my hand broken?" Taylor brought up his left hand. Andrew took it and felt around.

"I don't think so." He said. Taylor sighed in relief.

"Why do you think your hand is broken?"

"Holden stepped on it."


"He came back for me last night. He beat the shit out of me." Andrew looked at Taylor confused.

"Holden shouldn't even be out of bed in his condition."

"Well, he got out of bed." Taylor said, inspecting his hand, he then looked at Andrew. "I told you. I told you he was going to do this."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you've said that before." Taylor said in an annoyed tone. He put his hand on his stomach and felt his cut. "Ow..god" Taylor let out. Andrew wrinkled his forehead and looked at Taylor's stomach.

"What's wrong?"

"Well first he stepped on my stomach with all his weight, then he decided it would be fun to cut me with his knife."

"Let me see." Andrew said. He reached over and pulled up Taylor's shirt. He surveyed the deep cut on Taylor's stomach.

"Am I going to need stitches again?" Taylor asked sadly. Andrew nodded his head.

"Probably. It looks pretty deep." Taylor shook his head. They sat in silence for about a minute.

"He was going to kill me last night." Taylor said.

"Holden was?"

"Yeah. He had this huge rock and he was going to throw it on my head." Andrew closed his eyes and shook his head. Taylor felt tears spring out of his eyes. "Is it bad that I kinda actually wanted him to do it?" Andrew opened his eyes and looked Taylor. He never felt sorrier for him than he did right then.

"Why didn't he do it?" Andrew asked.

"Ron came."

"Ron saved you?"

"I guess you could say that. He asked Holden why he was out there with me and Holden told him I was trying to escape."

"Out there? Out where?"

"Holden took me to the woods so no one could hear me screaming." Andrew shook his head again. "But anyway...Ron believed him. He carried me back here." Taylor looked directly into Andrew's eyes. "Andrew, he's going to hurt me. He's going to hurt me really bad. Don't let him hurt me." Taylor looked at Ron helplessly.

"Taylor..." Andrew started, "I'll talk to him. I'll tell him what you told me."

"He won't believe you."

"I'll try. That's all I can do." Andrew stood up. He couldn't take this anymore. Taylor was just killing him.

"I'm sorry." Andrew said again. Taylor looked up at him.

"Then fucking do something about it. Stop saying you're sorry. You're obviously not sorry if you can just go on with your life like nothing's happening when you're away from me."


"No! Just leave. I'm tired of this." Taylor said as he pulled himself up on his bed and laid down, facing the wall. Andrew watched him for a few seconds. He wanted to say something, but he had no words. He unlocked the door and walked out. He locked the door from the outside and walked down the hall until he reached Ron's office. He opened the door and walked in without knocking. Ron looked up from his desk.

"He can't do this Ron." Andrew stated.

"Who can't do what?"

"Taylor. He can't do this. He can't take these conditions here." Andrew said, practically yelling. Ron sighed.

"Maybe if he would just cooperate with me he wouldn't have to deal with the 'conditions.'"

"Why do you expect him to cooperate with you? You kidnapped him! You beat the hell out of him!" Andrew yelled. Ron stood up.

"What I do is none of your business! He tried to escape last night. He will be punished for that!"

"You can't keep beating him up Ron! The kid is already fragile as it is. His body just can't take beating after beating after beating. You're going to kill him if you keep this up!" Ron sat back down in his chair calmly. Andrew watched him curiously as it took him a little while to reply.

"This has been more difficult than I thought it would be. He's not cooperating at all. I think it may be time to just end it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean I think we should just terminate Taylor. My whole goal in the first place 14 years ago was to get back at his father. I think this will have to do. At least it will hurt his father." Andrew looked at him in disbelief

"You're going to kill him? Just like that?" Ron nodded.

"I think so. I have to think though." Ron stood up and walked over to the door. "I'm going to go check on Holden." He said, then he walked out of the room.

Andrew stood there. A million thoughts ran through his head. In the short time he had gotten to know Taylor he felt very close to him. He cared for him and he didn't want this to happen. He noticed a piece of paper laying on Ron's desk. Curiosity took over and he walked over and picked it up, unfolding it. It was a letter. He began to read it.

I don't know why I'm even writing this. You're probably never going to see it. I don't even know the date or anything really anymore. I wish I could express to you how sorry I am that I ran out that day.

He continued reading, seeing that it was Taylor's letter to his brother and that he gave exact information about where he was. Andrew reached into his coat pocket, pulling out the piece of paper Taylor had given him with his address on it. He turned and looked at the doorway to make sure no one was watching, then he put the letter in his pocket and walked out.

* * *

Chapter 27 >>
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