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Chapter 27 - Repercussions

Andrew stepped into the Post Office and walked up to the woman at the front desk.

"Hi. I'd like this mailed to its location as soon as possible, please." He said, handing her the letter. The woman looked it over.

"If you pay for extra postage it can be in Tulsa tomorrow." She told him.

"Great." He said. He watched her ring up how much the postage would be.

"That's 5.97." She said. Andrew pulled out his wallet and handed her the money. She took it and handed him the change.

"You're all set."

"Thank you."

Andrew left the Post Office and got back into his car. He was very anxious to get back to the house, he didn't like leaving Taylor alone knowing what Ron had told him. For the first time since he started working with Ron he finally felt a little bit good about himself after he mailed that letter.

He arrived at the house, parked his car, and went in. He made his way to Taylor's room and unlocked the door. He was relieved to see he was fine. He actually looked much better than when he saw him that morning. He was sitting on his bed writing in his notebook and it looked like he had showered and changed his clothes. He still looked very pale and weak though.

Taylor looked up and saw Andrew standing there. He rolled his eyes.

"I have nothing to say to you." Taylor said as he continued to write in his notebook. Andrew closed the door and walked over to Taylor's bed and sat down. Taylor pretended not to take notice.

"That's completely understandable. I'm a terrible person." Taylor looked up at him, "You have every right to be mad at me. I've been selfish...but I think I finally made it right." Taylor looked at him questionably.

"What did you do?" He asked, setting down his pen. Andrew lowered his voice.

"I was in Ron's office and I found a letter you had written to your brother on his desk..."

"My letter to Isaac? He didn't destroy that?" Taylor interrupted.

"No, he didn't." Andrew then lowered his voice to a whisper, "I mailed it." Taylor's mouth dropped open.

"You mailed it?" Taylor asked excitedly.

"Yes. Just now." Taylor's only reaction was to wrap his arms around Andrew's neck in a hug. Andrew hugged him back.

"I told you you'd help me get out of here. I told you!" Taylor said, still embraced in his arms.

"I know you did. I just hope the letter gets there in time." Taylor pulled away from Andrew and looked at him confused.

"You hope it gets there in time? In time for what?" Andrew looked down at the floor. He didn't want to tell him.

"Taylor..." He started, getting a serious tone in his voice, "I went in to talk to Ron this morning and he told me..." Andrew stopped.

"What did he tell you?"

"He told me he thinks he's going to kill you Taylor."

"Kill me?"

"He says you've made this too difficult and he thinks he should just get rid of you." Andrew said sadly.

"No!" Taylor shook his head, "Not now. No. Not when I'm so close to getting out of here! You mailed my letter! They're going to get it and come find me!" He protested.

"They are, Taylor. They are. I paid extra so the letter should be at your house tomorrow."

"How long does it take cops to find people when they have exact details of where they are?"

"Not long. If they recieve the letter tomorrow morning, at the earliest they could have you found by tomorrow night." Taylor's eyes widened in excitment. He then felt the need to hug Andrew again. Andrew laughed a little and hugged him back.

"Just stay alive until tomorrow, ok?" Andrew said.

"Will you protect me?"

"As best I can, Taylor. As best I can."

Just then the door to the room swung open and Ron stood there, staring at Andrew and Taylor in their embrace. The two quickly dispersed when they saw him.

"What is going on?!" Ron yelled. He walked over to the bed and looked at the two of them sitting there. He noticed Taylor's notebook laying on the bed next to Taylor. Taylor noticed he was staring at it and he went to grab it, but before he could Ron reached down and pulled it away. He opened it up to see that Taylor had been writing in it.

"Where did you get this?" Ron said, holding up the notebook. Taylor looked at Andrew then back up at the notebook.

"I...I...uh." Taylor stumbled on his words.

"I gave it to him." Andrew confessed. He stood up so he could be at Ron's level.

"You what?!" Ron shouted. He stepped back and pointed at the both of them.

"You two. You've been conspiring against me!" He yelled out.

"No we haven't!" Taylor said, now standing up himself.

"Shut up!" Ron yelled at Taylor. He then pulled out a gun and pointed it right at him. Taylor swallowed hard and took a step back. Andrew then stepped in front of Taylor.

"Move out of the way, Andrew." Ron said calmly.

"No." Andrew replied. For the first time he had let Taylor's words sink in. He couldn't let Ron hurt or kill Taylor and he couldn't live with himself if he didn't try to stop this whole crazy project.

"If you don't move out of the way I will make you move."

"Andrew..." Taylor said nervously. He didn't like where this was going.

"It's ok, Taylor." He said as looked straight ahead at Ron.

"Andrew I WILL shoot you." Andrew stood his ground. "Move the fuck out of the way!" Ron yelled.

"No." Andrew replied again. Just then two shots rang out. Taylor reached up and covered his ears, closing his eyes tightly. He didn't want to look. He didn't want to see what he knew had just happened. The time seemed to move so slowly and what had just happened in two seconds seemed like 2 hours. When he finally opened his eyes Andrew wasn't standing in front of him anymore. Instead he saw Ron's emotionless face with his arm extended out holding the gun. He looked down at the floor to see Andrew laying there with blood all over him.

No. That didn't just happen. This was a dream, a nightmare. This wasn't real.

Taylor fell to his knees and put his hand on Andrew's sholder.

"Andrew?" He said, looking into his eyes. Andrew looked up at Taylor, coughing.

"Taylor..." He said hardly able to get it out.

"Stay here. Don't go." Taylor said as tears spilled out of his eyes.


"No. You're the only person here who even remotely cares about me."

"Taylor...when you..get out...of here...tell my wife...tell her that I'm sorry." Andrew said as his breathing became slower. Taylor shook his head up and down.

"I will." Taylor watched Andrew's eyes shut. He was gone.

Ron watched the whole scene disgusted. Taylor looked up at Ron, almost amazed that he hadn't shot him yet. Ron had his gun pointed right at him. Taylor looked at him sadly as the tears still came down his face. Ron tried to get himself to shoot him just then, but for some reason he couldn't. He put his gun away and walked up to Taylor, pulling him up by his arms. He held onto Taylor's wrists and pulled him close.

"Stop crying. He was nothing to you. He wasn't anything to anyone." Taylor looked at him coldly.

"You can't just shoot people like that!" Taylor yelled. Ron squeezed his wrists tighter, watching him wince in pain.

"I can do whatever the hell I want!" Ron shouted back. "Come on." He said, pulling Taylor along with him as he went to leave the room.

"Where are you taking me?" Taylor asked fearfully. Ron didn't answer, he just pulled him along. He pulled him down the hallway and then the finally reached the room Taylor recognized. It was the same room he had taken him to before to beat him up. Ron pushed him in roughly. Taylor fell to the floor and looked at him.

"You'll be staying here until I can figure out what to do with you." Ron stated, then left slamming the door shut.

Taylor looked around him. The room looked just the same. Small. Simple. Absolutely nothing to do. It was a prison cell as far as he was concerned. He backed himself into a corner and sat there, letting all that had just happened sink into his head.

Andrew is dead. He saved my life. Ron is going to kill me. Andrew mailed my letter.

"My letter." Taylor said out loud. He closed his eyes and hoped that what Andrew said was true about the police being able to find him tomorrow...but would he even be alive tomorrow? He had stay alive. Andrew had just died for him. He couldn't let him down.

"I"m going to get out of here. I'm going to get out of here. I'm going to get out here..." He repeated over and over.

* * *

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