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Chapter 29 - Confrontation

Ron sat in his office trying to figure out what he was going to do. The whole situation wasn't turning out at all like he had planned. Taylor was supposed to obey him and he wasn't. Andrew was supposed to do what he said and he didn't. He had absolutely no remorse for shooting Andrew. If Andrew was going to betray him like that, he deserved it. Now he wasn't quite sure what he was going to do with Taylor.

Ron looked up when he heard the door to his office open. Holden walked in.

"Go back to your bed Holden, you need rest." Ron said.

"Where is everyone?"

"I sent all the men home."

"What happened? I heard gun shots."

"I shot Andrew."


"He and Taylor were conspiring against me."

"Is he dead?"


"What did you do with Taylor?"

"He's in another room now. The one at the end of the hall."

"What are you going to do with him?"

"I don't know." Holden walked over to Ron's desk and looked him in the eyes.

"Just get rid of him." Ron said nothing. He glanced down at the floor. Holden continued, "Dad, I know how you wanted this turn out, but it's not working. He will never obey you. All he is is trouble. Let's just get rid of him for good and go back into hiding like we did last time. Just you and me. You don't need him. You have me." Ron looked up at his son. He had to think for a few seconds before he spoke.

"You're right. This is never going to work out the way I planned it. He won't go along with it. If we get rid of him now we can leave and no one will find us." Holden's smile gleamed. Finally. Finally his father was seeing things his way.

"When do we do it?"


* * *

Holden made his way back to his room, but as he passed the door to the room at the end of the hallway, he couldn't help himself. He had to go in there. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

Taylor sat in the corner in the back of the room with his knees drawn up to his chest. He was resting his head on his arms until he heard the sound of the door opening. He looked up nervously to see Holden standing there with a big grin on his face. Taylor said nothing, he just looked at him, wondering what he was going to do as he watched him shut the door. He couldn't help but feel nervous being alone in that room with Holden.

"You look nervous." Holden said, taking a few steps closer to him.

"What do you want?" Taylor asked quietly.

"I'm not here to hurt you if that's what you're thinking." Taylor let out a sigh of relief, then he looked at Holden, still smiling. After a few seconds he continued, "I'm going to take great pleasure in watching my father do that tonight."

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked nervously even though he pretty much already knew what he meant.

"This is it Taylor. This is the end. This is your last day here. I just talked to my father and he told me tonight we're getting rid of you...for good." Taylor's heart pounded hearing these words. He couldn't understand how Holden could say this to him with a smile on his face. He wasn't human. He had no feelings. How could he take so much enjoyment out of watching him suffer?

"You're sick." Taylor said, looking him in the eyes.

"Yes, I am and I love it." He walked over and knealt down next to Taylor. Taylor looked at him with cold stare. "You're not going to take my spotlight anymore. He's my father. He will have only me now." Holden stood up, "I hope all of your adoring fans can handle the news of your death." He let out a laugh. Taylor didn't know what exactly he was feeling, but he was angry. If he really was going to die he wanted to give Holden a piece of his mind. He stood up.

"You're so jealous of me." Taylor said. Holden laughed.

"Is that so?"

"I've already given you this speech, Holden. You're jealous of me because my family loves me. Your father doesn't give two shits about you." Holden listened to Taylor, still smiling. "You're jealous of the fact that while you and Ron were hiding from the police trying to not be found, I was off touring the world, playing in a band, realizing my dreams. You can't stand that. You can't stand the fact that you couldn't hold me back from doing the things I loved. So you can kill me tonight and what will happen to you? You'll still be running away. You'll spend your whole life not being able to do anything because you'll live in fear of someone finding you." Taylor stepped closer to Holden whose smile had now faded away, "So whose life did your father ruin Holden? Yours or mine?" Holden grabbed Taylor's sholders and pushed him as hard as he could against the wall. Taylor felt his head snap back and hit it at full force. He fell to the ground. With his head spinning, he was still able to get one more thing out, "I'd rather die then spend one more day here"

"Well it looks like you'll get your wish." Holden said and then he stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

Taylor rolled on his back and closed his eyes. He reached up and held onto his throbbing head. Tears spilled out of eyes once again.

"Please someone save me." He said between sobs. The silence of the room penetrated his ears and he felt completely alone and helpless. It was all out of his hands now. His only hope was the letter. His life depended on it.

* * *

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