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Chapter 30 - Help

Taylor sat in the room feeling completely restless. Time moved so slowly and his heart pounded every time he heard footsteps outside of the door. His hopes of being found were diminishing as the day wore on. He felt sick to his stomach waiting for something to happen. What exactly? He didn't know. All he knew was he was sitting alone in the room, Andrew was dead, and if no one came for him, soon he would be too. He had checked the room from top to bottom, there was absolutely no way out. What if they couldn't find him? What if the letter never got there? What if he wasn't specific enough? So many questions ran through his head. He imagined his family coming to find him tomorrow only to find out they were a day too late. He couldn't bare to think of it. He tried sleeping to pass the time, but who could sleep at a time like this? He looked down at his stomach and pulled up his shirt to look at his cut. It looked pretty bad. If he didn't get medical attention for it soon it would become infected. He put his shirt back down and covered his face with his hands. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry anymore. Now his fate wasn't in his hands anymore. All he could do was wait.

Taylor knew it was getting close. He had been in that room all day. He had very little hope that someone was coming to find him. They would have been here by now. His stomach was in knots as he waited for Ron to come in.

"I hope it's fast" Taylor thought to himself.

Then he heard the door unlock. He wished he could hide. He wished he could just disapear, but he couldn't. There was no where to go. He watched the door come open and there stood Ron.

"Get up, Taylor. It's time." He said, almost sadly. Taylor stayed sitting.

"Please Ron. Please." Taylor begged, hardly able so get the words out. He had never felt to scared and helpless. Ron walked over and grabbed Taylor's arms, pulling him up to his feet.

"Come with me." He said, taking a hold of his arm, pulling him along with him. Taylor tried to dig his feet into the ground, but it was no use. Ron was so much stronger than he was. He pulled him along with ease.

They walked out into a part of the house Taylor had never seen. It looked like a living room. There Holden stood with that stupid grin on his face. Taylor turned to Ron and decided to give his last effort of getting out of this. What did he have to lose?

"Ron. Please. What can I do?"

"You can't do anything."

"Why do you want to do this?"

"You've made it too difficult, Taylor. It's time for it all to be over."

"How can you just kill people and feel absolutely no emotion?" Ron looked away from Taylor to Holden.

"Take him to the other side of the room." He told Holden. Holden walked over and grabbed Taylor's arm roughly, pulling him with him as he walked. Taylor turned around to see Ron preparing a gun.

"We're still deciding what to do with your body. Maybe we'll throw it in a river or something...or maybe we'll just leave it here for your family to find." Taylor swallowed hard. He felt like he was going to throw up. This couldn't be happening. "Kneel down here." Holden demanded. He pushed Taylor down so he was on his knees almost in a prayer position. Across the room Ron was ready with his gun. He walked over to Taylor putting the gun to his head. Taylor closed his eyes and cringed feeling it. "Any last words?" Holden asked.

"Go to hell."

Just then the entire house started shaking.

"What's that?" Holden asked. Ron withdrew his gun from Taylor's head. Taylor opened his eyes and breathed out in relief. Holden walked over to the window and looked out.

"Holy shit there's a helicopter!" Holden yelled, watching the helicopter land on the front lawn.

"You stay right here!" Ron yelled at Taylor. Taylor nodded his head. Ron walked over to the window to see for himself. Police cars had now pulled up to the house too. Taylor turned his head to look out the window. All he could see was red flashing lights. He couldn't believe it. They had come to save him. He tried hard to fight his smile. Ron stormed over to Taylor, grabbing him hard by his hair.

"How did you get ahold of the police?!" He screamed at him.

"Oww! God. I didn't!" Taylor yelled back.

"How did they find this house!"

"I don't know!" Taylor lied.

"It was that bastard Andrew, wasn't it? I knew I should have never hired him." He released his grip on Taylor's hair. Taylor reached up, rubbing his head.

"Ron Carin. We have the house surrounded. Release Taylor Hanson." They heard a police officer call out from a megaphone. "I repeat, the house is surrounded. Release Taylor Hanson."

"What are we going to do?" Holden asked frantically. Ron looked out the window then back at Taylor who was still kneeling on the floor. After about a minute he spoke.

"Holden go to my office and get those two ski masks." Holden and nodded and went out of the room to get them.

"What do you need ski masks for? They know you took me." Taylor said.

"They don't know what I look like now Taylor and when I get out of this it will make it harder for them to find me if they don't know what I look like."

"You're not going to get out of this." Taylor said, now getting off his knees and standing up. "This time Ron, it's over for you." He said bravely.

"We'll see about that. You're my ticket out of here." Taylor looked at him confused. Holden returned with the ski masks. He handed one to Ron and they both put them on. Ron walked over and grabbed Taylor roughly.

"Come on. We're going outside." He pulled Taylor over to the front door.

"What are you going to do?" Taylor asked, glancing over at Holden who was standing next to him.

"Don't you dare say a word or I will shoot you on the spot. Got it?" Taylor nodded his head. "Good." Ron then put Taylor in a headlock and held a gun to his head with his left hand. He pushed the front door open with Holden following behind. Taylor was amazed by what he saw outside. There were police cars, news vans, people in uniform scattered everywhere. He had no idea how Ron was planning to get out of this. The bright lights of police car headlights almost blinded him. He squinted his eyes and tried to remain calm in Ron's tight grasp around his neck.

"Let the boy go, Ron. This is over." A police man said in his megaphone.

"No one make a move or I will kill him!" Ron shouted at the police. Taylor noticed the policeman with the megaphone was looking right at him.

"Ok Ron. What do you want? Money?" The policeman said back.

"No. I want everyone to stay the fuck away." He yelled. Ron turned to Holden, "We're getting in that car over there. I'll drive. You sit in the backseat with Taylor." Holden nodded. Ron then began to walk towards the car. Taylor looked helplessly at the police as he was being dragged along. They reached the car and Holden opened up the door. Ron pushed Taylor in the backseat and Holden sat in next to him and closed the door.

"Don't try to stop us. I will not hesitate to kill him!" Ron yelled again at the police. The police held their fire, unsure of what was happening. Ron got into the car. "Here." He said handing Holden his gun. Taylor swallowed and looked at Holden. Even through that ski mask he could tell he was grinning. He was sitting in a car about to go on a high speed chase with two crazy people that wanted to kill him. He shook his head and looked behind him out the window as they drove off down the road with about 10 police cars behind them.

"I hope I live to see how this turns out." Taylor thought to himself.

* * *

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