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Chapter 4 - The Fight

Isaac woke up before both of his brothers. He sat at the table across from Taylor's bed waiting for him to wake up. He needed to talk to him. He needed to know why Taylor did what he did last night. Taylor's eyes finally opened. He stretched out and looked over to see Isaac staring at him.

"Holy crap Ike. Why are you watching me like that?" Taylor asked as he sat up.

"Tell me what happened last night" Isaac demanded.

"Ike, I JUST got up" Taylor said, rubbing his eyes.

"Tell me"

Taylor swung his legs off the bed and got up. He walked toward the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Isaac said standing up.

"I'm going to shower if that's ok with you...psycho" Taylor said, grabbing some clothes from a drawer. Isaac stood in front of the bathroom door.

"I'm the psycho? Excuse me, but you're the one who ran off stage last night at one of our most important shows!" Isaac shouted.

"I'm not talking about this. Let me go to the bathroom." Taylor said trying to get by Isaac. Isaac blocked Taylor, stepping where he stepped to stop him.

"Damnit Ike!" Taylor yelled and with all his strength he pushed Isaac out of his way into the dresser. Without even looking back Taylor went into the bathroom and slammed the door. Zac woke up and looked at Isaac who was fuming.

"Woah, what's happening?" Zac asked pulling himself out of bed.

"Don't worry about it" Isaac said as he rubbed his arm that smacked into the dresser. He stood there, waiting for Taylor to emerge. 20 minutes later he came out.

"Talk to me. Tell me what happened. Why the fuck are you so angry?" Isaac yelled.

"God Ike. Just stop. I don't want to talk about it!" Taylor yelled back.

"You can't keep doing this Taylor! You hold stuff in and then you freak out. You ruined the show last night over absolutely nothing! I've tried to be understanding, I really have, but you have to stop!"

"I saw a man at the show Ike. He looked like Ron!"

"I bet he did. The security looked. They saw no one. You need to stop this. I know what you went through was terrible, but that was 14 years ago! You need to stop letting this get to you so bad. You're going to ruin your life and our career."

Taylor couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could Isaac say this to him? Isaac had always seemed to be the only one who understood him and now it seemed like he didn't know him at all.

"You have NO idea Isaac. No fucking idea! You don't have to go through what I go through every fucking day of my life because of him" Taylor yelled. He grabbed his coat that laid across one of the chairs. He went to the door and started leave. Isaac ran after him.

"Where are you going?" Isaac shouted, grabbing onto Taylor's arm.

"Let go of me" Taylor said as he tried to pull his arm away from Isaac's grip.

"Talk to me Taylor!" Isaac yelled.

"No! I can't even be around you right now" Taylor yelled back freeing himself of Isaac's grip on his arm and pulling the door open. He ran down the hall where he saw an open elevator. Isaac ran after him.

"Tay! Stop!" Isaac yelled.

Taylor jumped in the elevator just as the doors were closing. He stood there and watched Ike run toward the elevator as the doors shut. He pressed the bottom floor button and waited as it went down.

Isaac ran to the stairs. Zac came out of their room watching the whole scene. A few people had come out of their rooms hearing the commotion. Zac ran after Isaac. Isaac rushed down the stairs hoping he'd reach the elevator before Taylor had a chance to get away. When he reached the bottom floor he ran out into the lobby and stopped abruptly. Zac came plowing into the back of him nearly taking him down.

"Do you see him?" Zac asked looking around.

"No. God damnit." Isaac said turning around. He walked over to the doorman at the front door.

" you see a kid running out here, who's 17, blonde hair..." Isaac stopped as he saw the doorman looking at him confused, "did you see Taylor Hanson run out of here?" Isaac said hoping the man would know who he was.

"Ohh yeah. He went down the street and got into a cab." The door man told Isaac. Isaac looked back at Zac.

"Should we go after him?" Zac asked.

"No, not yet. Let's let him get out whatever is making him act this way. He'll come back. If he doesn't soon we'll go look for him." Isaac replied. He hoped Taylor would come back soon and that all he needed was some time alone. "Come on Zac...let's go back up."

"I hope he doesn't do anything stupid" Zac said looking up at Isaac as the walked toward the elevator. He looked at Zac, then looked away, shaking his head back and forth.

"Me too"

* * *

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