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Chapter 5 - Central Park

Taylor sat in the back of the cab.

"Where to kid?" the cab driver asked. Taylor realized he didn't even know where he wanted to go, he just knew he had to get away from Isaac for a while before he said something he regretted and he needed to think without any interruption.

"Central Park" Taylor said. He knew he could feel relaxed there. It was one of his favorite places. As the cab drove Taylor wished he had brought something to cover his face with. He didn't feel like being recognized today. He looked at out the window at the people on the street. He wished that he could just go out alone and walk the streets in New York City like that sometimes, but he knew he couldn't. When the cab stopped he reached over the seat and handed the driver money and got out of the car. He looked around, then put his hood up, pulling at the strings making the hood tighter. It was the best he could do to cover his face.

Taylor walked into the park and looked around. Little kids were running around with their parents, older people were having conversations on benches. It was nice. He found a rather large tree that cast a big shadow. He sat under it in the shade, pulled his legs up and rested his arms on his knees. His mind drifted back to just minutes ago when Isaac exploded at him.

"How could he say that to me?" Taylor thought, "after all I've told him about how I feel. He's the only one I've opened up to about this." Taylor looked down at the grass and began to pull some out of the ground.

"Maybe I am too paranoid" He said aloud. He felt tears coming and he closed his eyes letting them fall down his cheeks.

"Hello" a deep voice said.

Taylor jumped, startled when he looked up and saw very large man wearing sunglasses and a hat standing over him. He rubbed his face to try to brush off the tears.

"um...Hi" Taylor said quietly looking up at him. He figured it was probably just someone who recognized him and wanted to say Hi, but he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"You look pretty sad young man. What are you doing here?" the man asked him. Taylor looked back up at him thinking that this was a little weird.

"Oh..I'm just thinking. had a fight with my brother" Taylor said as he nervously pulled at the grass.

"What did you fight about?" the man asked, stepping closer. Taylor wondered why this man just randomly came up to him and started asking these questions. He gave him the benefit of the doubt though and thought maybe he was just lonely and wanted someone to talk to.

"Just something stupid" Taylor replied looking back down at the ground. The man leaned down so he was eye level with Taylor.

"You know, one time, I had a fight with my brother in our hotel room. I was so angry I had to leave the room and he came after me. I was too fast for him though. I ran outside and took a cab to central park. You know what happened?" the man said looking directly into Taylor's eyes. Taylor looked at him, dumbfounded as the man pretty much just explained what happened between him and Isaac.

"...what?" Taylor squeaked.

"I never came back" the man stated. Taylor began to feel extremely uncomfortable. He pushed himself back up to his feet with the help of the tree.

"um...good story. I have to go now" Taylor said as he began to walk away.

"I don't think so Taylor" the man said, standing up. Taylor heard two clicks and he knew what it was. He had a gun. Taylor stopped dead in his tracks hearing the two clicks. A million thoughts ran through his head. He slowly turned around and looked at the man. He held a small gun near the pocket of his coat. He put the gun in his pocket with his hand still on it and walked over to Taylor who stood there not knowing what to do. He grabbed Taylor's arm hard.

"ahh" Taylor said quietly feeling the man grasp onto his arm. The man stood behind him.

"You do what I tell you to or else I swear to God I will shoot you" the man proclaimed, "now walk. We're going to that black car over there." The man shoved Taylor and he began to walk. Taylor looked around wanting to scream for help, but the gun he felt pressed against his back kept him from doing so. They reached the car.

"Get in" the man said, still standing behind him.

"What are you going to do to me?" Taylor asked turning around to face the man. He did not want to get into this car. The man pushed Taylor into the car and then he opened up the door for him.

"GET IN" the man said in a quiet yell so no one around them could hear him. Taylor got into the car. The man looked around to make sure no one was watching then he walked around and got into the driver's seat. He turned on the car and pulled out of the parking space. Taylor looked back at the park wishing he had never left the hotel room. A fresh set of tears ran down his face and he closed his eyes not believing what was happening.

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