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Chapter 6 - Car Ride

Isaac and Zac stayed in the room waiting for Taylor to come back. Isaac looked over at the clock and then back at Zac.

"Its been almost two hours and he hasn't come back and he hasn't called. We should go look for him" Zac said.

"This city is huge. I don't even know where to begin to look" Isaac said as he played with his cell phone in his hands.

"Call him again" Zac said looking down at Isaac's phone. Isaac sighed and pressed the #2 speed dial and put the phone up to his ear. Zac watched hoping Taylor would finally pick up.

"His voice mail again" Isaac said sadly.

"Leave a message"

"Zac, we've left two messages already"

"I don't care. Leave another one" Zac said. Isaac looked at Zac helplessly. He could tell Zac was starting to freak out and he was doing all he could to not freak out himself. Taylor never did this. He never stayed out this long even when he was extremely angry at them and if he was out longer than he expected he always called or at least answered his phone.

"Hi Tay, it's Ike again. Still wondering where you are. We're getting kind of worried here. I don't want to have to call mom and dad so just come back to the room or call me or something...anything. Well..bye" Isaac pressed the End Call button and looked at Zac. They both felt so helpless.

"Please?" Zac begged.

"Ok, grab your coat, but I have no idea where we're going" Isaac said standing up. They both grabbed their coats and walked out the door.

* * *

Taylor sat silently in the car for what seemed like forever. He watched them drive further and further from the city. He read the signs trying to remember what they said so he knew where he was going. Suddenly Taylor's phone started to ring. Taylor closed his eyes and sighed. He completely forgot about his cell phone in his coat. It may have been his only hope of getting out of this situation.

"What is that? Your phone?" the man asked. He saw Taylor reach for it in his pocket. "Oh no you don't" he said, pulling the car over abruptly. He put the car in park and reached over grabbing the phone from Taylor's hands. He looked at it. The screen said Isaac Calling. "Isaac's calling" the man told Taylor as he threw the phone in the back of the car. Taylor looked back trying to see where it landed. He then turned back around and put his head in his hands. He needed that phone.

"Who's Isaac?" the man asked Taylor, now that the silence was broken.

"Why do you care?" Taylor asked still holding his head in his hands looking at the floor of the car.

"Kid, this isn't a good time to get smart with me. Answer my questions" the man said as he concentrated on the road and where he was going.

"My older brother" Taylor said looking up. He looked out the window once again watching for signs.

"Is he in that band with you?" the man asked. His tone of voice becoming not so threatening anymore.

"Yes" Taylor said. His phone rang again in the back seat. Taylor looked back at it wanting so badly to just reach for it, answer and tell Isaac what was happening. But he couldn't.

"So do you guys usually come to New York City by yourselves?" the man asked. Taylor was starting to become frustrated.

"What? Why do you even care about this stuff? Where are you taking me?" Taylor blurted out, raising his voice.

"Listen kid, I don't even want you. I'm taking you to see someone and you'll be their problem, not mine, but for now you're my responsibility because I'm getting paid big bucks to get you to this person, so you're not going to screw this up for me" the man said, now becoming more serious.

"Money? You're doing this for money? Shit. I'll pay you double whatever this person is paying you to let me go" Taylor said, now looking at the man. He laughed.

"I bet you will. Kid, if I were to let you go now I'd probably be killed. Plus, you've seen me and you can go tell the police I kidnapped you" the man said without even looking at Taylor.

"I won't tell the police anything. I promise. If you just let me..." Taylor was met with a slap across the face before he could finish his sentence.

"NO. I'm not letting you go. Just shut your mouth. No more talking until we get there" the man yelled. Taylor rubbed the side of his face where he had been hit once again feeling tears come out of his eyes. His cell phone rang again. Taylor turned around once more to look at it and sighed.

"This can't be happening" he thought to himself listening to his phone ring over and over.

* * *

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