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Taylor remembered it. He didn't remember it well, but he remembered it. He was four years old when a man took him away for six long, seemingly endless months. He was too young at the time to realize what was happening to him, but he did remember begging the man to let him go home and the man always refused. He remembered feeling scared of the man and feeling extremely lonely without his brothers or his parents. He remembered the man always being angry with him and how he cried every night and the pain he felt when the man hurt him. He remembered his father finding him and hugging him not wanting to let go. All these memories were unclear though and seemed all like a blur or a dream.

The man that took him, Taylor learned was named Ron Carin, an acquaintance of his father's. When he and his father got in a disagreement over something Taylor still isn't clear about today, Ron kidnapped him. Taylor's father, Walker, never really wanted to talk about it. Walker just told Taylor Ron had gone insane and there was a point where Taylor's life was in danger, but that was all in the past now and it was just best to try to put it behind him.

"It all just feels like a dream I had" Taylor told his father

"It's best to just think of it that way" Walker replied to his son

The family all knew the story. Isaac, Taylor's older brother was his only sibling who remembered it, although Zac, their younger brother was born, he was too little to remember any of it. One minute Taylor was standing with Isaac, the next he was gone. Six months later they had found Taylor alone in an abandoned house. They figured Ron just ran, leaving Taylor, afraid of being caught when the police showed up.

Walker didn't want this incident to dictate Taylor's life when he knew he had such a bright future ahead of him. He wanted nothing more to kill Ron for what he did to his son. To this day Ron was still never found and every day Walker worried that he was still out there, watching his family, watching Taylor, but he never let his family know he thought about this so often. After a year of searching the police pretty much just gave up and told Walker his family was safe now and they couldn't let Ron ruin their lives, they just had to move on. So they did.

They moved to a new city in Oklahoma where they thought they could "start over." Here, Isaac, Taylor, and Zac realized how much they loved music and formed a band. They were incredibly talented for their young ages and they decided they wanted to make it big. When Mercury Records wanted to sign them everyone was excited, everyone except for Walker, who of course only wanted his boys to be happy and do what they love, but Ron was always in the back of his mind.

"I just worry about you being out there in the public eye when we have no idea where he is" Walker said as they discussed their record contract.

"Dad, you said it yourself, we can't let what happened so long ago dictate our lives" Isaac agrued.

"We'll be fine dad. We'll be even more protected this way. They told us we'll have big huge security guards that'll rough people up!" Zac exclaimed. Walker smiled a little, then he glanced at Taylor who was always the quietest of the three.

"Well, Tay, how do you feel?" Walker asked him. Taylor sat up in his chair and smiled.

"I want to do this dad. I want this so bad" he said grinning. Walker looked at his boys and threw his hands up in the air.

"Go ahead boys, sign your little contract" he laughed, watching his sons jump up.

"Yes!" they shouted. This was all the begining of a new, exciting life.

Walker convinced himself they were all safe now. Ron was completely out of the picture. If he had planned to ruin his life, Taylor's life, or his family's life he wasn't going to. Ron was just a unpleasent, distant memory now.

* * *

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