~~ Best viewed at 800 x 600 screen resolution in IE ~~

midi courtesy of Annwyn Music of the Realm


This place is usually hidden from human eyes and takes quite a bit
of magic for it to appear to you. Please be patient and allow all the
wee folk to come into view. Enjoy your visit!


Welcome to the Enchanted Wood



I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses, and with eglantine:
There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,
Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight

William Shakespeare



Here on the edge of evermore, you will find some of the fair ones - 8.12 K             standing watch to be sure only those with a pure and shining soul venture close to their home....


but it seems they sense no danger, so you must be one of the shining ones at heart.


Oh, sure, napping is a favorite pastime here,
but mark my words, if you had the slightest bit of darkness in your soul,
you would never have made it this far.....


  So, let's continue on, and see if we can find
the pathway into the heart of the forest....

  Ah, can you hear it? Listen closely.........

  "Come to the wood
in the early, early morning,
Come to the wood
when the day is on the wane,
Come to the wood
when your heart is filled with sorrow,
Come to the wood
And your heart will smile again."

"Come to the wood
touch the trees and smell the flowers
Come to the wood
hear the laughter on the breeze,
Come to the wood
let its magic fill your hours
Come to the wood
feel your cares and worries ease"

  "Come to the wood
as the daylight turns to starlight,
Come to the wood
let its song renew your soul,
Come to the wood
when your sorrows fill the dark night,
Come to the wood
and the wood will make you whole"

















Ah, here is the path that will take you deep into the wood. At the end of this path you will find a clearing, and at the center of the clearing is a magical bonfire. If you choose, you may journey here to send all your cares and worries into the flames. This is one of the gifts the fae have for you.

If you have anything in your life you wish to be rid of.......(fear, worry, doubt, anger....), send it to the fire. If there is any obstacle blocking you from the life you wish to live, toss it into the flames. If there is old wornout baggage you are carrying around that no longer serves your highest good, then travel to the fire and be rid of it once and for all.



If, you'd rather see other sights, then just lightly brush (mouseover)
my friend Bernie's magic mushroom, and he'll offer some suggestions.






Or if you'd rather, just follow these links...


Brianna's Guide to Evermore
Fairy Poetry
More Fairy Poetry
Fairy Lore
Fairy Plants & Trees
Who Are The Fae?
So,you want to see fairies?
Fairy Stories
Fairy Artists
Unicorn Cove
Site Index


"fairy riding bubble" and "flying tinkerbell" courtesy of Gifworld
"Bernie" courtesy of Pegasus2U

All other graphics on this page are my own and may not be used
without permission. If you have a home the fae would be happy in
I'm sure I'd be happy to send them.

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