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fairy queen


Fairy Lore





The Fairies


Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting
For fear of little men;
Wee folk, good folk,
Trooping all together;
Green jacket, red cap,
And white owl's feather!

Down along the rocky shore
Some make their home,
They live on crispy pancakes
Of yellow tide-foam;
Some in the reeds
Of the black mountain lake,
With frogs for their watch-dogs,
All night awake.

High on the hill-top
The old King sits;
He is now so old and grey
He's nigh lost his wits.
With a bridge of white mist
Columbkill he crosses,
On his stately journeys
From Slieveleague to Rosses;
Or going up with music
On cold starry nights,
To sup with the Queen
Of the gay Northern Lights.
They stole little Bridget
For seven years long;
When she came down again
Her friends were all gone.
They took her lightly back,
Between the night and morrow,
They thought that she was fast asleep,
But she was dead with sorrow.
They have kept her ever since
Deep within the lake,
On a bed of flag-leaves,
Watching till she wake.

By the craggy hill-side,
Through the mossses bare,
They have planted thorn-trees
For pleasure here and there.
Is any man so daring
As dig them up in spite,
He shall find their sharpest thorns
In his bed at night.

Up the airy mountain,
Down the rushy glen,
We daren't go a-hunting
For fear of little men;
Wee folk, good folk,
Trooping all together;
Green jacket, red cap,
And white owl's feather!

~~Wiliam Allingham



As I said in the beginning of our journey through Evermore, the shining ones have been much misunderstood and often maligned. Much of the lore you will read here has very little if anything to do with the beings the world has come to know as 'fairies'. You will read stories of causing harm, of stealing babies, of......well, you'll see. In reality these beings are kind and compassionate and have the highest regard for life and nature. They are beyond ancient, and yet have the innocence of a child. Their entire lives celebrate the beauty and magic of the earth. They greet each morning in awe of the promise of the day, and celebrate each starry night as if seeing it for the first time, because in fact, each night is brand new. Our eyes have grown dull to the ever-changing world around us, but the keen senses of the fae see every nuance, and revel in the miracle of creation every second of every minute of every day.


They often come here to listen to 'fairy stories' much the way that children will gather around a campfire, often giggling and many times rolling in laughter to hear the antics of pixies and elves and leprechauns. Once I asked them why they never became angry or sad that people thought of them in this way. After a long explanation and definition of the concepts "angry" and "sad", they still had no idea what I was talking about. Finally one of the elders said, "These gnomes and brownies and nymphs are just characters in a story, and if these stories make the big people smile and laugh, then this is good thing, isn't it? Come on now, stop being so serious and tell us another story..." With that the whole scene dissolved into a chorus of laughter, like the tinkling of crystal windchimes in a gentle breeze, and storytime continued.


Will you join us? Good. The fae love company, so pull up a toadstool, kick off your serious shoes, and pick a story................





fairy artists



Site Map Brianna's Map of Evermore




to Unicorn Grove





"Fairy Queen" sequenced by Dave Carroll



~~the graphics on this page are my creations.
please do not take without permission~~