main frogs


A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the unfortunate frogs they would never get out.

three frogs

The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and simply gave up. He fell down and died.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and suffering and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out.


When he got out, the other frogs asked him, "Why did you continue jumping? Didn't you hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

There are two morals to this story:

First, an encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.

Second, a destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path.

- Author Unknown

singing frog

Think about it. How many times has just the simplest kind word turned your whole day around? How did you feel the last time someone criticized or belittled you?

This is especially true for the children. Encourage their dreams. Applaud their triumphs. Remind them of their strength when they stumble.

Of course, then there's the teenage years -- here they just pretty much stop listening to anything you have to say...


but you'll both get through that just fine. Keep on talking. Some of it does filter in eventually and one day you'll smile when you hear them saying the same kinds of things to their kids.

Words have power. We can use them to lift up or to tear down; to build or to destroy, to lighten or to darken. May we all learn to speak life to those who cross our path and help lift the world out of darkness and destruction.

And if by chance anyone speaks discouraging or disparaging words to you, don't you listen to them for a single second. They are no doubt in their own pain and what they have to say has everything to do with them and nothing to do with you. Forgive them, pray for them, send some light their way, but do not listen to them. In fact, get all those "can't" and "you'll never amount to" and "not good enough" and "...fill in the blank" ghost voices out of your head right now. They never belonged to you anyway.

Beneath all the layers of hurtful words is that voice within that's been smothered all these years. Listen to it, and only it. It is Spirit talking to you, and the only truth you will ever hear.

It's saying you can be and do anything. It's saying you are a beautiful and vital part of this universe. It is saying you deserve love and beauty and happiness.

And, in case our paths don't meet, so am I.


Love & Blessings,



"Jump" courtesy of Dave's Midi Delights


The animated frogs on this page are from
Natalie's Homepage
All About Frogs

The great cartoon is by David Parisi and copyrighted by the artist.
Any use without permission is prohibited.
