I'm afraid there is no going BACK ~ except in cyberspace and in memory.

Take a few moments to remember, the place, the people, the times. Remember them with love and the assurance that those who are not going forward with us, do indeed go on. In a better place.

And we, too, go on. It is up to us to make the world we now live in a better place.

My skyline will never look like this again. I'm quite certain there will never come a time when I stop grieving for the loss of this time, this place, these people. But it's time to go on, carrying them all in my heart as I do.

And so, it's time that you, too, go on. We'll do it together. Now that they've introduced us to each other, we'll go on hand in hand, heart to heart, and we'll make them proud of the world we create in their honor. A world of peace. A world of caring for each other. A world of tolerance and respect.

So, will you take my hand and join me?



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