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The laciespangle


Bristled by a thorny bush,
the silver fox stood stately by,
to watch the bowing sun bequeath,
its kingdom to the blushing sky.

Then one by one Her stellar court
amassed to sound the night's report.
And there below a reverent hush
fell on those gathered underneath.

The burly bear and spotted rabbit,
raven,squirrel, wren, and doe,
joined in the wood, as was their habbit
to watch the majesty each night.

Twas in the forest there below,
beneath the heavens' dancing light,
the creatures chanced on their first sight
of the lovely laciespangle.


"It cannot be", the panther cried,
as he gave his startled eyes a rub,
"but it's the boy who rescued me
from a trap when I was just a cub.

I was so frightened there alone,
the metal tearing to the bone.
My painful cries were heard by he
without whose kindness I'd have died."

"But he would be a man today,"
said rabbit with a doubtful glance.
Yet as he turned to look that way
his eyes grew to a widened stare.

Had journeys brought to him by chance
the tenderhearted, ancient hare,
who gave him shelter, love and care
in the guise of laciespangle?


Just then the owl turned her head
to catch a glimpse of this strange guest,
but all she saw was a hollow tree
that held within a sheltered nest.

And yet the tree she didn't know
except in memory long ago,
when in a storm a whisper lead
her to its warm security.

And each in turn saw with surprise
a different sight not seen for years,
as tears came to their joy-filled eyes,
but there was just one standing there.

Suddenly amid the cheers
strode up the wise yet puzzled bear.
And she saw clearly standing there
was a smiling laciespangle.


"Yes I am known to each one here
and countless others on this earth,
though many of my kindred too,
have been beside you since your birth.

You see, it is our loving task
to answer all of which you ask.
If you'll suspend your doubt and fear,
you'll see me with your heart, anew."

As Lady Moon looked down and beamed
Her light disrobed the veiled disguise,
and all was not as it had seemed
when shroud and shadows disappeared.

They all began to recognize,
as one by one their vision cleared,
and all in awestruck wonder neared
a glistening laciespangle.


"You see, sight is a funny thing
and often will play tricks on you.
So much of what you think is real
depends upon your point of view.

Just look around and you will see
how each of you live secretly,
forgetting what these stars reveal
and are just now remembering.

If you'll look at my spoken name
and rearrange the broken parts,
you'll find we're really all the same
beneath our labels - here inside."

As all saw with their open hearts
the parts of each their thoughts denied,
the heavens witnessed starry-eyed
Her lovely laciespangel.


Ok, so here is where you get to see the truth of who you are, too.


L     A     C     I     E     S     P     A     N     G     L     E


go ahead.... "rearrange the broken parts"



My poem, 'Magic of the Heart' has its own home
at Unicorn Grove in the Land of Evermore.
Tell Starshine I sent you....



"Watermark" courtesy of New Age Midi


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