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A - B


The God I Don't Believe In by Juan Arias

1973, Abbey Press
200 pages

Reflections on man's relationship with God. Topics covered include: freedom, conversion, happiness, disobedience, weakness, authority and more.

Theology, Ari


Man Becoming by Gregory Baum

1970, Herder and Herder
285 pages

God in secular language. An exploration of a new perspective in the Catholic Church in the way of experiencing the Gospel and in the manner of understanding and formulating it.

Theology, Bau

Religion and Alienation by Gregory Baum

1975, Paulist Press
296 pages

In Religion and Alienation Gregory Baum hopes to introduce the student of theology to the sociiological tradition he has discovered with the hope that more theologians will enter into a conversation with social thinkers.

Theology, Bau

And Would You Believe It! by Bernard Basset, S.J.

1976, Doubleday
120 pages

"In this book Fr. Basset takes the creed, step by step, examining and explaining each of its various statements in simple, understandable language. The result is a new understanding and appreciation of an ancient creed which is transformed by the author into a clear expression of Catholic truths for contemporary men and women".

Theology, Bas

How to Understand the Creed by Jean-Noel Bezancon, Philippe Ferlay and Jean-Marie Onfray

1988, Crossroad Publishing Company
150 pages

A guide which shows phrase by phrase, article by article, what Christains have believed and can believe by the creed. Written for those who want to understand what they proclaim in church each Sunday.

Theology, Bez

Meeting God in Man by Ladislaus Boros

1968, Herder and Herder
142 pages

An attempt to answer the basic questions of "How do I find a merciful God?" and "How do I become a real man?" Topics of reflection include: truthfullness, respect, reverence, joy, love, magnanimity, serenity, honesty and humility.

Theology, Bor

Recent Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Stephen Breen

1952, The Scapular Press
355 pages

A collection of fact and reflection on Marian aparitions from the 19th and 20th centuries, included are Lourdes, Fatima, Knock, and others.

Theology, Bre

