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Strawberry Flava

.:Chilling Stories:.

Humans Lick Too

In a small town near by, there was a young girl whose parents had to go out for a few hours. They asked her if she would be ok alone. She said it was no problem and she would just get something to eat and then head to bed. So before they left they told her to lock all the windows and all the doors. As soon as they were gone she went through the house shutting windows, and locking the doors, when she found a window she could not close or lock, the basement. She struggled until it was finally closed but she could not get it locked. So she decided to padlock the basement door to make sure it would be ok.

Once that was done she went to the kitchen and made herself some dinner. Afterwords she climbed into bed with her dog underneath licking on her hand. After being asleep for a few hours she heard a noise that awoke her and thought it might have been her parents. After investigating she found noone home but her and went back to sleep after making sure her dog was still underneath the bed. When he licked her hand she knew everything was ok and went back to sleep. At around 2:30 am. She awoke to another sound which startled her and when she went to investigate this time she found her parents pulling in the driveway, so she went back to bed. She reached her hand down to check for her dog and the licking started again. Then she turned the light on, to let her parents know she was still awake. When she did she saw a note in blood on her mirror that read: HUMANS LICK TOO. While looking at the mirror still, she looked down and saw a man in the mirror licking her hand.

She ran out of the room screaming, "CALL 911! CALL 911! THERE'S A MAN UNDER MY BED!" But when the police got there they discovered he had climbed out the window and left her dog hanging in the bathroom murdered. No one has ever found this man and some say he is still waiting to lick again.

Face In the Window

This girl was home all alone watching TV on a cold winter night. The television was right beside a sliding glass door, and the blinds were open. Suddenly she saw a wrinkled old man staring at her through the glass! She screamed, then grabbed the phone next to the couch and pulled a blanket over her head so the guy couldn't see her while she called the police. She was so terrified that she remained under the blanket until the police got there. It had snowed a lot during the day, so the police naturally decided to look for footprints. But there were no footprints at all on the snowy ground outside the sliding door. Puzzled, the police went back inside the house – and that's when they saw the wet footprints on the floor leading up to the couch where the girl was still sitting. The policemen looked at each other nervously. "Miss, you're extremely lucky," one of them finally said to her. "Why?" she asked. "Because," he said, "the man wasn't outside at all. He was in here, standing right behind the couch! What you saw in the window was his reflection."

A young man who had been raised as an atheist was training to be an Olympic diver. The only religious influence in his life came from his outspoken Christian friend. The young diver never really paid much attention to his friend's sermons, but he heard them often. One night the diver went to the indoor pool at the college he attended. The lights were all off, but as the pool had big skylights and the moon was bright, there was plenty of light to practice by. The young man climbed up to the highest diving board and as he turned his back to the pool on the edge of the board and extended his arms out, he saw his shadow on the wall. The shadow of his body, was in the shape of a cross. Instead of diving, he knelt down and finally asked God to come into his life. As the young man stood, a maintenance man walked in and turned the lights on. The pool had been drained for repairs.
