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  • By: Webmaster Mike VanSlyke
    March 28,2001

    For as long as any wrestling fan could remember, it has allways been the WWF and WCW. Their ratings battles were infamous. RAW vs. Nitro. SmackDown! vs. Thunder. It was well known. Later on a third strong promotion came out of the wood work. And it was the "Big Three". WWF, WCW, ECW.

    Well all that was gone in about 3 weeks. Less than a month. ECW went bankrupt and WWF bought it's compatition, WCW. Now it's down to one. One man holds the power. He has the contracts to not only WWF big names, but ECW's and WCW's! Now what will happen?

    True, non of this has anything to due with New Millennium Wrestling. But anyone who is reading this is a WWF or WCW fan. It just makes you wonder will anyone fill the spots? Will there ever be the "Big Three" again? This is a very interesting story. I for one can't wait to see what developes.