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  • By: Nick Danger
    April 15,2001

    The look may be new, however the attitude remains the same. That’s right Nick Danger, it is I says me, is back from a long break. Many of you NMW fans were upset about not having a March show, but I can assure you that the line up for Spring Beatings will quickly make your minute minds forget about it. The card is as follows.


    Mayhem VS the Champion JP BLACK, in a taped fist match.

    It’s really hard to decipher the best wrestler in NMW right now, but the advantage is in the corner of JP BLACK. Now most of you are wondering why in the world would I even acknowledge JP as one of the best in NMW. Point is simple, he may cheat to keep his belt each and everytime out, but its that very fact that makes him the best in NMW. JP and myself don’t see eye to eye as many of you recall at Chaos where he took the liberty of bashing me in front of the fans. Again it’s that cold, callous, attitude that makes JP the baddest NMW Champion EVER. Standing in JP’s way is Mayhem. Again recall Chaos, where his manager stated they do not give a damn about the TV title. One might think Mayhem is crazy because he could be the TV champion right now, but that gold isn’t good enough for him. I must applaud that fact. But can Mayhem really stand up to the DARK PONEY? I hope the hell he does, because now the tables are even. Rogers is in Mayhems corner to keep whomever JP sends in to steal a W. This should be a match that will be talked about for months, this I guarantee. So who does this taped fist match favor? I am going to go on a limb and pick the tandem of Rogers and Mayhem. Hopefully Mayhem, you can slap the taste out of JP’s mouth for me! Because this feud between Black and myself is only starting.


    NMW TV title match (Lumberjack-Bullrope Match)

    Eric Everlast VS Champion Johnny Walker

    Hmmmmm, it would seem that the man whom should be the NMW champion should walk in and take the title away from Walker. But, Walkers own secret weapon is in fact Mr. USA……I can guarantee that Eric will have a tough time fighting both of those men, not to mention a probably run-in from Diablo. IT seems as though Everlast is a man alone on an island, no back up from anyone in the locker room. The advantage has to go to Walker, he almost won against Mayhem at Chaos, and I am sure he has learned from his mistakes in that match. It’s a real damn shame to say it, but this one is Johnny Walker’s to win or to lose.

    Winner= Walker

    NMW Tag-Team Title Match (3-way-Dance)

    Chills N Thrills VS Big Cowardly Lion-Minny Mouse VS Chip Stetson-Hellcat

    Contrary to what you may have read on the SpazzMans board, the team of Stetson and Hellcat has not sold out. In fact I am going to dub them Team Danger, because after what they did to Chills N Thrills, not to mention they are guilty of beer abuse in that same match back at Chaos, as well as being the BEST tag-team in NMW right now. You see Spazz, maybe being a sell out is a good thing. You get the gold, the women, and the fame. But anyway, enough of Spazz right now. Advantage is TEAM DANGER, the chemistry was perfect at Chaos, and I don’t see any chance of that very same stuff vanishing in this match. However, this goes with out saying Lemmer and Marcos are the probable underdogs in this match, even though they beat the FDE (a skilled veteran team). However TEAM DANGER has one hell of a fight against them in this match. It’s a 4 on 2 anyway you look at it, maybe just maybe Chills N Thrills may be able to steal the belts, with the help of Vinny Ferrari…but remember the last time Vinny shoved his nose into the ruckus! The time just isn’t right for Lemmer and Marcos, one day those two will be NMW tag champs, but right now TEAM DANGER is on-top of their games to lose this three way.

    Winners and still NMW Champions Stetson and Hellcat.

    NMW Cruiserweight Title (Rochester Street Fight Rules)

    Kevin Dunn VS Ian Decay VS Raptor VS Oman Tortuga the champion

    Raptor would like his title back ever since he had to drop it at Chaos, due to an injury. Fact, Raptor is still not 100%, but he is healthy enough to wrestle. Oman Tortuga is the odds on favorite to keep the title, but in this Street fight anything can and probably will happen. Decay, is coming off an ass whooping he gave to Kevin Dunn….and if anyone remembers when Totuga handed Decay the title in front of Dunns face, the glint of envy spawned in Decays eyes! Kevin Dunn, jaded by his women at Chaos is trying to extract some sweet revenge upon Tortuga. The theme here is simple kids, don’t and I mean don’t make enemies with everyone you come across because it will come back to haunt you. Even as skilled as Oman is, can he possibly be the CW Champion? Answer is no, Raptor is willing to do everything he can in his powers to make damn sure Tortuga will not remain the champion. If Dunn and Decay can forge aside the ill feelings between them and concentrate on the task at hand then maybe one of those two will walk away with the gold. SO who is going to win? Before the answer is given lets examine some the history of these four. I Am not so sure Dunn’s former lady is 100% loyal to Tortuga, and hell hath no fury like a women scorned…Raptor again is willing to kill himself just to make sure Tortuga isn’t the champion….Oman I feel may have made too many enemies in this match to walk away with the title. But again I must reiterate this fact this is a street-fight match, and no one is more at home in a street fight than Ian Decay!

    Winner: Still CW Champion Oman Tortuga….in what might be the hardest fight he has ever had to face!

    Sledge VS Puerto Rican Nightmare

    Diablo Santiago is coming of a very impressive showing against Eric Everlast, even though the victory is tainted it’s a win no matter how you look at it. I foresee with my Cleo like mystic abilities Diablo will be the winner in this match against Sledge


    Troy “the boy” Buchannan VS Jeff Liabolt

    Both of these men will be marking the debut of their NMW wrestling careers at this event. Not much is known about either of these two men, so with out stepping on any toes, or by bashing the newcomers. I will refrain from picking a winner, however with a name like Liabolt how can you lose?!

    The FDE VS ????

    Adam the god Sullivan has extracted a mystery tag-team to face the FDE and the hairless wonder. Nothing, not so much as a damn peep is being let out of the NMW offices as to which this tandem will be! Who could be representing the NMW against Spazz and company? I guess we will just have to sit back and await to see who will score a W over the FDE. If I were to pick two people to face the FDE, the top choice without a doubt would have to be HC LOC, as for the second option….it would be Atlas if he was healthy..however where has Jeff Starr been?! I wouldn’t put anything past Sullivan as a team of HC LOC and Starr would easily make the SpazzMan reconsider his futile attempts against the NMW offices.

    THE Summary

    With a month off from the fray, NWM returns with a vengeance in a night filled with hard-core matches, from start to finish I assure you this will be one of the best NMW shows ever! Highlighted by the WAR of the Cruiserweights, as we all know the sordid history between Decay, Dunn, Raptor, and Tortuga. However that’s not all this even has in store of us, follow that up with another heated rivalry with Top Shelf Johnny Walker against Eric Everlast. WE have JP Black against the monster Mayhem, new comers Buchannan and Liabolt and yes of course the fan friendly SpazzMan Simmons and his lackeys against the mysterious team from the NMW offices. The tag-team scene here in NMW is about to become a little more heated as we have a 3 way elimination match…all this and more at SPRING BEATINGS! April 28th at the Ukrainian Club (1970) Empire Blvd. Webster NY) Bell rings at 7:30 get your tickets early because this event WILL SELL OUT!!


    Ok so now a month removed from the last NMW show. A lot has been running through my mind, especially how in the hell can I ever get JP Black back from the verbal tirade that was unleashed upon me. Hell I am just a damn reporter for gods sake, what possible reason does JP have to keep slandering my good name? Is it that he actually fears me NICK DANGER! JP, I will be in attendance again at Spring Beatings, my only rebuttal to your tirade, GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY! You see JP for a man who talks an awful lot of how much of a badass you are, show me something will ya? Quit your damn yappen, and prove to me that you are actually worthy of the accolade that I sheepishly bestowed upon you. DO what you must JP BLACK, but just do it! IF it makes you a bigger man to punish me, then do….if you feel the need to wring my neck then do it. Because I will never JP, NEVER step down from you! Where you go I go, before this feud of ours is over JP, you will forever remember my name!

    Sorry fans, but that’s just some built up rage that has been growing in side of sine Cupids Chaos, now we finally have a worthy opponent to JP BLACK in MAYHEM. Don’t get me wrong HC LOC is as good as anyone, however HC lacked someone to watch his back. Mayhem, maybe you’re the man that I can stand 100% throw my support behind in hopes of you extracting the revenge I so desperately seek on JP. Hell you already have one thing going for you a Manager who will take a chair shot for you. You know Mayhem, all those critics who say ditch Rogers will finally be singing his praises because I have a feeling he will bail you out in this match against WHACK. Remember this Mayhem, not only are you fighting for yourself in this match, but you’re fighting for me! Please don’t let me and your fans down!

    Well its seems that Wrestle News Line has some competition with the coverage over NMW. We here at WNL don’t actually see Strictly NMW as competition, we see them as an ally, because what they offer and what we offer is for above all else the fans of NMW. Why else would we be doing this? Its because we love NMW, every aspect of it even SpazzMan and Burton. Deep down inside we love to hate them, if they were not in NMW the color would be somewhat black and white. I am standing behind Strictly NMW and I hope they can offer you the fans of NMW just a little bit more flavor to satisfy your NMW taste. If you have yet to check out the site please do! Who knows maybe we can collaborate our efforts and bring NMW into a new age of information. The more coverage NMW has the better it will become because people will see what the hype is about, and well you wrestlers do a great job of filling the hype, yes that even means you JP Black. The Strictly NMW site can be reached through this URL…..

    I must pose this question to Eric Everlast, when are you going to see the errors of your ways my friend? I mean, don’t you think its about time to find someone worthy of watching your back? Aren’t you sick of getting run in on? Eric for the fans sake please think over this?

    That about does it for this NMW ZONE, I wish you all the best and hope that everyone gets sick from the Chocolate because Easter is upon us!