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For those who didn't get a chance to join in on the chat with Lex over at the CBS website this week, I'll either link to, or post the transcript whenever they get around to putting it up at the CBS site.

The chat was an hour long, and pretty funny. I've dropped in on a few chats like this in the past, and I've never seen anyone give such lengthy answers as Lex did. Twas pretty sweet. When the transcript goes up, look for the detailed description of what we didn't see regarding Lex and Tom's night of drinking and er, not-so-joyous fun. A few people in the room I was in were all, "eew! That's gross! I didn't need to hear that!".. while I was laughing and thinking, "ooh ya, been on both sides of that fence!"
For the "oo Lex is evil" crowd: No one "evil" would go out of their way like that to help a bud out. They woulda left them there to stew in their own filth, while they get some nice sleep... But enough of the defense mode *grin*. Hopefully the transcript will be up soon....

As the usual PR circuit goes, Lex is set for an hour-long chat over at the site on Wednesday January 16th @ 11:30 am (PT) . All of the contestants will be on The Early Show tomorrow (Friday Jan. 11th), and who knows about Letterman (they were all on tonight reading the Top Ten List).

A bit more interesting (well, to some of us anyway) was the plug Lex gave on the reunion post-show on his band, Luckydog's website:

Another plug was from Brandon, who said all 16 contestants will be at his bar in Dallas, TX in a couple weeks. Proceeds are going to an AIDS charity... The date is January 24th or 26th (I'm drawing a blank. The original email I got about this was sucked into cyberspace.. Thanks to Diane for emailing me with the date originally though! Email servers stink).

12.28.01 :
Lex won a reward challenge, with help from his wife in a "greetings from home" type personality quiz (c'mon everyone together now, "awwwwww"). The reward was a trip to a retreat and then a hot-air baloon ride the next day. Lex brought fellow alcohol-enthusiast, Tom, along for the ride. Ah, the fun you have when you get two men together who've barely eaten in a month, and throw some sweet sweet alcohol into the mix. One person always ends up baby-sitting, and without much surprise, the sitter was Lex. Highly amusing watching Tom get loaded on national TV, and Lex dragging him into bed and tucking him in. Good times.


The immunity challenge (which Lex has been snagging quite a bit in recent episodes) involved everyone throwing sticks at pots. Yes, that's pretty much it. Lex wasn't looking too hopeful (much to Teresa and Lil Kim's visible delight), and had to hand his worn-in immunity necklace over to a possibly hungover Tom.


It looked as if Lex was going to have to venture down his "walk of shame" as he put it, but as nothing is ever as it seems, Lex only got two votes. Lil Kim was voted off with four votes against her, and she joined the jury along with Kelly, Brandon and Frank. Tune in next week to see if she borrows Brandon's skirt.

*** In the previews for next week's show, Lex once again vows to "cut throats" of whoever is double crossing him. Oh, Lex...