The first step of course is to download pIRCh
I can send you the installation file in .zip form. Look for me on Starchat and /msg
me or send me a memo.
I recommend Saving to disk as opposed to Run from Current
That way you will always have the installation file should something happen to pIRCh.
To install Pirch98® after D/L
follow these simple instructions:
1. Find the downloaded Pirch98s.exe file which is in the file folder with a red P......double click on it.
2. The
install program will lead you through the installation
3. When you are finished with the installation, there should be a
P icon
on your desk top or on your tool bar.
4.Click on the green P
icon or however you have it set to start from
5.You will then get a grey screen with a toolbar up top, click
Next Step Logging On
Setting prefs Page One
Setting Prefs Page Two
How to Copy & Paste
Aliases and Popups
How to group popups
How to make Events
How to load aliases from
another file
How to load popups from
another file
How to Add a Pil
Combining popups and
How to add Networks and
their servers
Adding Server addresses
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