I have written two versions of this tutorial. This version requires that you have KPT 6 and will allow you to create this image from scratch. If you do not have KPT 6, click here and you will be taken to the tutorial on how to create this without KPT 6.
This tutorial is copyright owned by Tags-N-Tubes. If you would like to provide a link to this tutorial for a graphics design group or tutorial link list, please write me at sinamin@tags-n-tubes.com.
To do this tutorial you will need:
- PSP 7
- KPT 6
- Eye Candy 3
- Ship 3ds model download here. Unzip and place in your KPT 6 Objects folder.
- Flaming Pear Flood Filter which you can get at http://www.flamingpear.com.
Let's get started!
Open a new, transparent palette, 500 x 400.
Flood fill with black.
Effects, Plug In Effects, KPT 6 Sky Effects or Rayflect Four Seasons Filter; which became the KPT 6 Sky Effects filter. I am using Rayflect, just out of habit, and the screenshots are identical for both programs.
Click on the preset bottom in the top right of your screen (boxed in red in the screen shot below)
If you want to use the same sky that I used, click on sunrise and then click on the summer sky that is boxed in red on the screenshot below.
I adjusted the camera angle upwards, to about 5.6. To do this, click and drag the camera upwards, boxed in red in the screen shot below.
I wanted the sun higher in the sky, you can set the sun anyway you would like. When you are satisfied, click OK.
Layer, New Raster Layer.
Effects, Plug Ins, KPT 6 Scene Builder.
File, Open. Open your KPT 6 objects folder. In the drop down, choose 3D Studio File. Then activate Ship. This chooses your ship model.
Now, this model leaves a lot to be desired. It is actually because of its deficiencies that I used the effects I did to create this image. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention!
Rather than write another tutorial here on how to change your model, there is already an excellent tutorial, written by BJ's Haven for altering your models. Please visit her tutorial at: http://members.home.net/bjshaven/KPT6.html. She also has some great links on where to get models for KPT Scenebuilder.
Once your ship is as you would like it to be, click OK.
Now position your ship as you would like it to be on your palette. At this point, I also resized my ship to 85% of the original.
Now, we are going to add some noise to our ship. Go to Effects, Noise, Add, and set it to 10, uniform and apply.
Effects, Blur, Blur.
Effects, Plug Ins, Eye Candy 3, Drop Shadow, using the following settings:
Layers, Merge, Merge Visible.
Effects, Plug Ins, Flaming Pear, Flood. I used the below settings. However, depending on where you placed your ship on your palette, you will need to adjust the horizon up or down. Experiment with this setting until you are satisfied with your horizon line.
We're almost done!
Now go to Effects, Artistic Effects, Brush Stroke and choose the Painting with PSP preset. Below is a screen shot of those settings:
If you want to add a canvas texture to your image, go to, Effects, Texturizer, choose Canvas, set to 90, 1 and light from Top.
That's it! You've now created a painting and can frame it as you would choose!
I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial!