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So you'd like to play Telengard but don't own a Commodore 64? Or is it tucked away in the attic? Or broken? Or (gasp) sold??

Well thanks to emulation the Commodore 64 is alive and well, just living inside virtual hardware in today's PCs. And there are many emulators available as freeware or shareware. Check the links page for my favorites. Thanks to all the programmers working to keep the C-64 alive!

Is your original tape broken? Need a disk image? Download mine. Way back in 1989 I converted the program from tape to disk. That's it for the modifications to the original code. Being a basic program, it was quite easy to go in and stack the odds in your favor. However, this program is 100% original except for the disk routines. There's no fun in playing it if you're going to cheat...

Also on this disk image is a tape to disk converter. It loads a character from tape and writes it back to a disk. I've never tried this through an emulator though - only on original hardware. There's also a help sheet that should print fine on your C64's dot-matrix printer...

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