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The monsters of Telengard are many and varied. All monsters, like the characters who trespass for their hides, have experience level ratings. Like a character's rating, the higher the number the more powerful it is. There are two very distinct types of monsters in Telengard: Undead and Living.

Undead monsters are vile creatures that have managed to live past their appointed hour of death due to some foul curse. They have no heartbeat, no breath; they do not sleep and cannot usually be charmed. You will no doubt find that they have not lost their appetite however! Undead monsters have a (U) after their name in the monster listings.

Living monsters are normal creatures that eat, sleep, drink, and dance upon dead warriors' bodies. Living monsters have a (L) after their name in the monster listings.


The monster cheatsheets... Click on a page for a larger, printable version.

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