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Why C-64 Telengard?

Why not?

I've owned a Commodore 64 since 1982.  In May of 1983 I received Telengard as a gift.  It was the best computerized D&D game I had ever played.  I'd spend many late nights exploring it's dungeons.  I even tried (along with Anthony & Mike) mapping it out on graph paper (at the time we had no idea of it's immense size).  We've built some pretty powerful characters, been trapped in rooms without doors, and found way too much treasure.  One thing is certain in Telengard - the game never ends.  There is no quest to solve, no special item to find, no monster leader to destroy.  Just exploring, fighting, treasure hunting, and lots of fun.

This page exists to keep Commodore 64 Telengard alive in cyberspace.  I'm sure the Atari 800 version was great too, but I had a C-64.  That's where this page will focus.

Want a lesson in efficient programming?  Read the source code for Telengard.  The amount that was squeezed out of less than 38K of BASIC and a few machine language subroutines was amazing - fifty levels, two million rooms, graphics, animation, sound effects, 20 different monsters, magic items and traps.  It's efficiency you don't see much of in the sloppy, bloated programs of today.

So boot up an emulator, grab a drink, and head over to the Worthy Meade Inn.

The monsters of Telengard are waiting...

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