Oscar was your companion and friend.
Someone you thought would be with you until the end.
He lived a great life just by being with you.
You were his Mother and a friend so true.
You fed him and talked to him and it was never a chore.
He couldn't ask for anything more.
To know of the love that you had to give.
Oscar is in heaven with a new life to live.
God was just waiting for Oscar that night.
Oscar was able to see the bright shinning light.
He laid his head down, and closed his eyes tight.
His journey was about to get started that night..
Just always remember the good times you had.
And eventually the days they won't be so sad.
Please don't be angry or upset and mad.
For you did nothing that was ever bad.
You gave Oscar love and comfort, and a great home.
Now he is free to fly and to roam.
Sit down and write one of your beautiful poems.
And you'll think of Oscar and you'll never be alone.
Just remember Oscar is safe there in heaven..
He has friends all around him that are waiting for their masters.
You will see Oscar again one of these days I can promise..
When you meet him at God's beautiful heaven..
Maggie I am so sorry that Oscar had to leave you..
But just think he is will other birds there in heaven..
And will be waiting for you at the rainbow gate...
My heart crys for you its so hard to lose a pet and never be able to see them again..
© By Debbie Clements
October 26, 2003
To My Dear Friend Maggie