very once and a while something will come across The Consigliere's™ desk that he feels he wants to share it with everyone. So each week we shall post something different that he wants us to share with everyone.
This week we shall feature " It All Adds Up To Eleven "
"It All Adds Up To Eleven "
The attack on America was on the date of 9-11,
that adds up to eleven
September 11th was the 254th day of the year,
2+5+4 adds up to eleven
After September 11th there is 111 days
left in this year.
The area code for Iraq and Iran is 119,
1+1+9 adds up to eleven.
The World Trade Center's twin buildings stood tall
forming the number eleven.
Flight #11 was the first plane to attack.
Flight #11 had 92 passengers,
9+2 adds up to eleven.
Flight 77 had 65 passengers,
6+5 adds up to eleven.
New York was the 11th state in the union.
New York City has eleven letters.
Afghanistan has eleven letters.
The Pentagon has eleven letters.
Air Force One has eleven letters.
Colin Powell has eleven letters.
George W. Bush has eleven letters.
The city where the jet that crashed in Pennsylvania,
was Shakesvilleand it is spelled with eleven letters.
However the best One of all and who will have the final say so.
And that my friend is eleven letters.
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Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 17:52:02 -0400
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