very once and a while something will come across The Consigliere's™ desk that he feels he wants to share it with everyone. So each week we shall post something different that he wants us to share with everyone.
This week we shall feature "Prize Winning Ice Sculpture"
W hen we received the below beautiful photograph, we felt that since the original transmission was so large, you needed a TV with at least a 25 inch square screen. We felt it was too large to do justice to this beautiful photographed sculpture and the very talented artist's work. We worked our magic and now it can be viewed and totally appreciated without a 25 inch screen.
N othing was altered in any way from the original photograph except optimization and viewing size. The proportions were totally constrained so as not to lose anything in the compression and viewing pleasure.
he below link will take you to the original photograph that we received in an email transmission. The original size, which you will see is 1152 pixels wide by 864 pixels high. This is translated into inches of about 14.75 inches wide by 11 inches high. The original was 363K and all we did was optimize it to a 30 quality JPG (which it already was) at 79K just for loading time. As you are reading this, we are preloading the original photograph so when you click the below link, it shall already be loaded and opened hopefully instantly!. We hope you can see why the original size only did not do the photograph true justice nor the exceptional talent of the artist.
[ See Original Photograph }
W e have included an email form at the bottom you can send this to as many friends as you want.
Contributed by:
Miss Juanita
Date :
Date :
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 12:35:13 -0500
Photographer From Timmins, Ontario
Sculptor Unknown
T he below form is to send this to everyone you know. Type in as many addresses as you want, leave no spaces and a comma between each address.
Copyright © 2001-2002, The Consigliere™ Ltd., All Rights Reserved.