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Volume 11 January 2004

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Email: The Highlander

Mail Call - Letters to the Editor
We have received a lot of emails recently complimenting our staff, suggesting material, and inquiring about the future of The Highlander. Here are just a few. (Please let us know how we can make your newsletter better. Email us your questions, comments and suggestions.)

One word: fantastic. Your newsletter is amazing, professional and better than most sites that have huge staffs working for them. I especially like the new themes. Can't wait to see what's next! - Rick

Thank you, we are planning on continuing our special theme designs in the coming months. Some possibilities include an old-time scoreboard and Hall of Fame plaque. Email your suggestions!

Now The Highlander even has a Comics page! Marvin Terry's cartoons are a nice addition to your website. Hope to see more of these and more game photos. What happened to them? - Steve

We are very happy to have Marvin as our staff cartoonist now and will continue to use his artwork every month. The game photos are also a favorite of ours and we hope that our fellow fans will continue to send them to us. (hint)

I really enjoyed the Best of 2003 issue of The Highlander. It was nice to look back at some of the articles that had stood out in my mind and see that we agreed. The Mick and Me by Michael Romano was very well done. - Mark

That is also one of my favorites, but it was very hard to choose. We are hoping to add more writers (professional and amateur) in 2004 and I hope to have the same dilemma at the end of this year.

You say you don't support anti-Red Sox sites yet you had 2 in your newsletter this year along with a slanted Pedro quote and a one-sided article on Carlton Fisk. What else would you expect from a Yankees fan? - Jerry

OK. I've received a few of these... First, neither site ( - were outwardly offensive (in my opinion) compared to many other trash-talking sites and both were selected due to the amount of research and factual information that they contained. Second, Pedro was quoted correctly (off of and third, the "Munson Over Fisk" article was one of mutual respect and was statistically supported by the numbers.

What about adding a crossword puzzle to your webpages? It would give it a real newspaper feel and give visitors something to print out and take with them to work on. - Lynne

That's a great suggestion Lynne. Unfortunately, that would require a lot of time that I don't have during the design/editing stage each month. However, if any of our readers would be interested in putting together a monthly crossword, we would be more than happy to add it. Email us if you would be interested.

What about a printed version of The Highlander? Have you ever thought about that? - Shawn

To publish an actual printed newsletter is far too expensive for a volunteer-based project. Even if it was a simple black and white brochure stuffed in an envelope, the logistics for mailing such a piece would be too much for us to handle. The Internet has enabled us to reach hundreds of people each month and thousands of people each year for free and you can't beat that price. However, our new streamlined layout has been designed to be more print-friendly. "Content is king" at The Highlander, but "less is also more."

Why hasn't George Steinbrenner hired you guys? Doesn't he know what he has here? - Linda

Mom, stop emailing me at work...

Copyright © 2002-2003-2004 Pinstripe Press. All Rights Reserved. This online newsletter is not affiliated with the New York Yankees. The opinions expressed solely represent the contributor's and not the Pinstripe Press. Questions or comments in regards to a specific article should be sent directly to that writer's email. All questions, comments, advertising inquiries etc. should be sent to the Pinstripe Press at Best when viewed with latest Internet Explorer or Netscape browsers in 1024x768.